Tuesday 1 October 2013


Indeed we have added one year to our age and this has not been by our efforts. Though we have tried our best to attain success in all ramifications, the fact remains that it has not been by our might. The mercies and grace of the Most High has been our success secret.

From our birth, we have encountered challenges; problems, crisis and disasters of all kinds ranging from inter-tribal, ethnic and political wars, and economic melt ups and downs, personal and religious crisis have often trailed us in sequence. But the God of love has never allowed us to get drowned in the ocean of these surges.

Nigeria, over the years has become a strong independent country by God’s own grace and the special efforts put in by leaders whose drive for justice and fair play have always been active likewise, spiritual leaders including men and women who have never failed to take the land into the hands of the Creator will always be acknowledged in our country’s history.
Today, against all odds, Nigeria stands proudly amongst other African countries as a pure gold refined and shaped for exhibition, admiration and emulation.

It is worthy to note that the greatness achieved so far is subject to individuals’ assessment and judgments. Many still feel that the country has made no difference since her birth and does not merit applause while others are convinced of the changes, observed over the years. These categories of people both form the yardstick which the nation’s strength is being evaluated. Even as we add one year, the nation’s critics have sharpened their swords to further cut down the nation’s walls of prestige and growing fame while others are not relenting in their efforts to propagate her honour.

Although, there is hardly any society critics are not found, and their criticisms have often times made ways for the execution of concrete projects, the truth should always be spelt when it is obviously evident. It is the sole responsibility of every citizen of this country to wish the nation well even in the face of what may seem to be misappropriation, misunderstanding, abnormalities and other irregularities which are inevitable. So, rather than sit, fold arms and watch our leaders take wrong steps and condemn them totally, it is better to make concrete criticisms that will both condemn an action and proffer an alternative or way out.

As we add one year, it is advised that mothers should see their role in nation building as primary and paramount. The mothers of kings were emphasized in the Bible because the king is a product of the mother’s thoughts, discipline and training. This is also same with mothers of today’s leaders. A mother is to build and nurture in the course of training the child if that child must be a leader and the best method of such molding is modeling. By setting good examples, children learn faster and better when they are taught orally. It is never enough to keep reminding the child of what needs to be done but a mother can share in keeping the laws. This, and continuous character evaluation will help groom the child to become a good leader of tomorrow.

As we add one year, citizens are also urged to get involved in the country’s affairs. We are the eyes and ears of the government even though, we are not acknowledged (sometimes). Let us build an environment where everybody will be responsible for everyone and everyone, accountable to everybody. We have, for a long time, given in to self-centeredness which has crippled our love for one another; forgetting that love is kind and does not select. Tribalism and favouritism, which has been the order of the day, will land us at nowhere but brotherly love which our heroes past fought for will lead us to heights greater than we are envisioning.

In the same accord, leaders are charged to go back to their drawing board and erase the era of failed promises. Chairmen of local governments, councilors and other grassroots leaders should tow the same line. The idea of robbing Peter to pay Paul has become an issue. Politicians have formed the habit of executing projects in exchange for the kidnap and abduction of kids as a consolation for the projects executed and those holding the realms of power have found delight in using it against the poor, the just and the weak.

It is now common to see structures and investments owned by politicians whose salaries and allowances put together cannot measure up to what they have in the park whose source of livelihood apart from politics cannot be traced. The spending spree, partying, clubbing and ‘travelling out’ is enough for one to conclude that hard-earned money is being misused.

These and other things are factors which the governors and the governed must consider as we add another year. Resolutions will not help if promises are not fulfilled and trust will not be established if an agreement is breached. As we add one year, here is a call for restitution and change. The change we need is not the one written in books or jotted with pen but the one from the willing and convicted heart. The change we need is for the betterment of the future and that of generations unborn. The change we need is now!

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