Tuesday 7 October 2014

Jonathan’s Endorsement: Former Deputy Governors thank PDP

Jonathan’s Endorsement: Former Deputy  Governors thank PDP

The Forum of Former Deputy Governors in Nigeria (FFDGN) says the endorsement of their colleague and President of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Jonathan by the decision making organs of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) is a confirmation of the believe they had in Jonathan when they started the campaign early this year.

In a statement circulated to journalists in Uyo at the weekend, the Forum thanked all members of the party’s Board of Trustees, National Executive Council and the National Working Committee for affirming President Jonathan as sole candidate of the party for the 2015 Presidential elections.

Signed by its Chairman and Secretary, former Deputy Governor of Bauchi State, Alhaji Abdulmalik Mahmood, and former Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Dr Chris Ekpenyong, the forum said it was proud of President Jonathan’s leadership style and his achievements in the area of Power, Energy, Oil and Gas, Health, Education and Road Rehabilitation and Construction.

“When we endorsed him and urged him to go for a second term, a lot of people thought we were just playing politics. With the current endorsement by the party, done using the same reasons we gave, it is crystal clear that Mr. President has done well and deserves a second term,” the statement added.

The Forum called on the President not to reject the request for him to be the party’s sole candidate.

“We, therefore, appeal to Mr. President not to refuse this well meaning appeal by all of us. His acceptance will stabilize our politics and polity and create an environment for other serious national issue to be tackled in his second term.”
The statement, however, urged the Opposition to safeguard our democracy by organizing its house as the primaries gets under way to reduce any kind of rancour that could lead to escalation of tension.

“The opposition parties could borrow a leaf from the PDP and structure its primaries in such a way as to leave no room for rancour, tension or violence. We must all join hands to protect and safeguard our fledgling democracy,” the statement concluded. 

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