
Thursday, 3 September 2015

Real winners keep on winning (II)

Real winners keep on winning (II)
I am glad to meet you again friends, I trust  God that our previous edition was a blessing to you. 

I want to begin this edition with a question to you. How many people of great potential have you known? Where did they all go? If people of great potential stop, it’s because they don’t build on their victories. 

There are two distinct times when a person is most likely to quit: after a mistake and after not born.
Andrew Wood once stressed that champions are made and not born.
Champions are made, or to be more accurate, they make themselves. I don’t believe champions are absolutely born. 

By definition, a champion is one who competes in and wins a contest. Champions decide they are going to be champions. 

Friends! Once you’re moving, you can keep moving. The question I will like to ask is, did Micheal Jordan stop shooting after making his first bucket? Did John Manson, John Maxwell and others quit writing after their first bestsellers? The answer is simply NO! 

It was John Manson  that said “Successful people know that each victory buys an admission ticket to a more challenging opportunity. 

Edwin Louis said, “champions are not men who never fail, but men who never quit.”

And Robert Williams while speaking concerning champions said “The first trait of champions is to dream big dreams, for it is only big dreams, that can produce the level of motivation, dedication and desire needed to become a champion. 

Billie Jean King once said “ Champions keep playing until they get it right “

Dear friends, real winners keep on willing, not in willing once but always. It’s not what you get that makes you successful; rather, it is what you are continuing to do with what you’ve got that measures your success. 

It was Betty Cuthbert that said ‘The integral part of being a star is having the will to win. All the champions have this will.’ 

Champions love what they do. They visualize success to enhance motivation and reach peak performance. Champions learn how to draw from every experience that extra atom of concentration, effort, and talent that allows them to drive on to victory.

You must concentrate all your energy on doing certain specialized tasks in an excellent fashion so you can be paid the amount you want to earn, and so you can move ahead at the rate you want to move ahead.
Robert Williams, an author, bestseller and a plorfic writer said, “Champions accept and embrace success with open arms. Being the best is their reason for living”

Mahatma Gandhi, a prominent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India, once said, “ champion are made from something they have deep inside of them- a desire, a dream and a vision”
An inspiring quote by T F Hodge said “ The motto of champions: if you are hurt, you can suck it up and press on. If injured, you can rebound and return bigger and better...and continue to inspire “. 

In living with the mentality of a champion, Wayne Chirisa said.   “Declare yourself a champion in the morning for you conquered many unseen and evident life battles through your years; at night declare it again for the many more battles you lived through in that day. 

Friends! What makes the difference between cowards and champions is their attitude of tackling challenges in tough times. 

Champions are time manager. It’s how champions employ that defines them.
Champions do not give up or grumble when faced with challenges; they are always brave enough to gat through obstacles as overcomer.
You cannot be a champion when you have not faced and overcome challenges with uncommon brevity. 

Dave Weinbaum once said
“The most important lesson you can learn from winning is that you can”.
It was James Corbett that said “You become a champion by fighting one more round when things are tough, you fight one more round”. 

Dot Richardson while writing concerning champions said “A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up, and who give everything he has no matter what the circumstances are. A true champion works hard and never loses sight of his dreams”.

Understand this friends, for the fact that you were a champion yesterday, doesn’t mean you will be a champion forever, but the truth is, you can be always a champion and never an  ex-champion depending on what you do on daily basic to keep you going. Remember real winners keep on winning and not relaxing. 

Mike Ditka once said “The ones who want to achieve and win championship motivate themselves. 

Jack Dempsey said “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.
Hear me friends! Real winners know that quitters never win and winners never quit. 

Micheal Jordan when asked the secret of his success, he said “ I’ve failed over and over again that is why I succeed. 

Friends! If it doesn’t challenge you, certainly it won’t change you. Prepare to defend as a champion and be ready to repeat. 

Obstacles don’t keep a champion down, they make them fight harder. Every real winner learn that not giving up when they encounter minor  difficulties leads to developing the ability to or persist in the face of major adversity.
Andrew Wood sums up a real winner this way: “Champions are persistent”.
Friends! To quit, is never a mindset or mentality of real winners, they keep on thriving to win at all cost, because they know they may have to fight a battle more than once to win. 

No matter what, quitting should never be your mindset if you desire to be a true and real champion. The world will always give you the opportunity to quit, but only the world call quitting an opportunity. 

The power to hold on in spite of everything, to endure - it’s the winner’s quality.
Quitters will never be rewarded and remembered in the history of time, only champions will. 

Thomas Edison brightly said “ Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”.
Refuse to be a quitter no matter what. Chose to be among the list of real winners.

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