
Thursday, 3 September 2015

Lauding Gov Udom’s sanitation strides

Lauding  Gov Udom’s  sanitation strides

As Governor Udom  Emmanuel’s sanitation strategy hits its climax, individuals, organizations and corporate bodies have identified and lauded the well-thought initiative of the Governor to purge Akwa Ibom State of all debris, dirt and unwanted environmental elements which are detrimental to the health of its citizenry. 

Environmental sanitation is not a strange term we know, it is the absolute erasure of hazardous and detrimental things; living and non-living from our immediate surroundings for our own good; the putting-away of health-threatening elements from our premises. Environmental sanitation happens to be a long-time term used to describe the above but perhaps because of the debate on who’s role it is to perform this function (especially for houses jointly shared), its importance has been downplayed and subsequently, it is ignored. 

This ‘ignor’-rance has resulted in the environment becoming a habitat to the things it was not meant to accommodate - dirt, refuse, stagnant water, debris and even microscopic organisms with many accompanying deadly impacts on the humans whom they have become environment mates. 

It is no news that while many people do not have the time to keep their environment clean, others do not see the need to clean their environment beyond their immediate surroundings and another large number are not interested in it at all. They leave this duty to the government or anyone it may concern without considering the effect of their non-chalant attitude. This is one of the reasons behind Governor Udom Emmanuel’s decision to sanitize the state-to help people see the need to keep their streets and communities clean collectively. 

This was the rationale behind the action experienced state-wide on Saturday last week which saw all hands on deck for the achievement of this common goal. Dirt-laden streets were seen wearing looks of freedom from months and years of accumulated refuse; gutters were freed too from grasses, weeds and sewages which hindered the free flow of water. The air was clear, fresh and crisp as communities engaged actively in the cleaning exercise. It was a success by all standards, for those who participated in it and those who observed the activity. 

It must be noted however that environmental sanitation is more than eradicating dirts and stripping gutters of rubbishes. The issue of environmental pollution and degradation has taken many forms such that one can come in contact with an environmental pollutant without recognizing it.
First, the issue of noise pollution in the society is dominant and unbecoming. That one cannot walk past a street without heavy sounds of music hurting the ears is odd. Students who live around beer parlours and restaurants can attest that reading at night is always an uphill task. Even at daytimes, mobile businesses specializing on musicals and those advertising their products roll out their drums without caution or care for those passing by or living around. 

Another worrying issue is that of cabs stopping here and there every now and then to pick-up or drop-off passengers at their convenience. Every available road space has become a bus stop/ motor park for vehicle users that one cannot differentiate a parking space from a pedestrian walk/stand. There is no more a marked or laid-out route for pedestrians. Marketers and sellers of different wares have overtaken our roadsides with their goods and services, and passers-by are subjected to stand in-between the proverbial devil and the deep blue sea. This is because if one is not vigilant enough, he could either be pushed by Keke riders or be insulted by a seller over a good unconsciously matched. The tradition is so on virtually every street. 

The environment gets messier, dirtier and unappealing everyday yet, we pretend to be unobservant.
Daily, industries and factories pollute the air with waste products ranging from gas to liquids. We breathe in what we know and what we don’t know every day and in the end, fall victims of lung cancer. Thousands of people suffer from air pollution than land pollution. Imagine a publishing house sited beside a residential apartment; the thick black cloud of smoke from the generator, the noise it makes and the discomfort it gives. You’ll agree that this is detrimental to the health of passers-by and residents. 

Environmental solution is not limited to compound work alone, it covers the afore-mentioned areas. A beautiful environment is one devoid of all palpable and potential causes of hazards. The air and land have a lot in common and should be regarded with equal amount of seriousness with the air coming first on the list. 

The government should also be wary of lunatics who perambulate the town with their odd appearances, idle youths who take to masquerading and the disabled who take to earning money on the streets. To further help combat environmental problems in the society, houses inhabiting more than one person or household should come up with a rooster for cleaning the premises. Communities should also be involved in street cleaning to help promote environmental hygiene.  

A nation that destroys it environment destroys itself. It therefore goes to say that a state without a committed environmental plan is headed for health issues. As the Governor effects this plan, it is hoped that citizens will co-operate accordingly to help keep Akwa Ibom clean and healthy for economic growth. But it is most hoped that the government will not find reasons to stop this welcome development in the future or compromise on its intentions to ensure a safe environment for all. This has always been the case with many development plans for Akwa Ibom people and Nigeria at large. 

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