
Friday, 10 August 2018

Reps hopeful presents economic blueprint

The House of Representatives for Eket Federal constituency in the 2019 polls, Prince (Hon) Bassey Willie has unveiled his economic blueprint that will boost the economic , political and social life  of the constituents if given the opportunity to serve.

He stated, in addition to law making which is the core duty of a legislature, they can attracts industries, projects that will create more jobs and generate more revenue to the state government and the councils  within the federal constituency.

 ‘’ industrialization, job creation and improved revenue generation for the state and councils will be the hallmark my representation’’ Willie said.

Willie presented the economic and developmental plan when he consulted the Onna chapter of the PDP  to actualize his aspiration to represent the constituency in the Green chambers of the national assembly in the next political dispensation.

These willie noted, could only be achieved through his sponsorship of bills to compel multi- national oil and gas firms operating in the constituency to maximize available facilities.

He took a serious exception to the Ibeno jetty which was used for decades by Mobil producing Nigeria  

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