
Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Barr. Otobong Bob preaches love and unity: lessons we must learn

Barr. Otobong Bob preaches love and unity-lessons we must learn

Barr. Otobong Bob preaches love and unity: lessons we must learn

A man once said that the simplest way to know a man who is humble is when he has money.

This assertion is an undisputed one, as money is an amplifier.
Money amplifiers a man. The real character of a man dances naked when the person in question has a romance with me.

I say this to submit that a generous man would be known when he has money, and so would a wicked and humble person.

Despite Barr. Bob’s status, he still humbles himself and associates with people.

The Easter yuletide has really projected him in good light among right- thinking members of society.

He took out time to interact with members of his constituency, and preached love and unity.

These two virtues necessitated the ultimate sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus Christ.

He died because of love, and His death reconciled (united) humanity back to God.

No wonder why Barr. Otobong Bob has always spoken of love and unity at different fora.

While politicking, one must not toyed with love and unity. Though we are of varying political inclinations and leanings, we should be united and embrace peace.

This is what will bring development to our society. Ignorance is what has caused so many to hate their brothers and sisters with different political orientations. It ought not to be so.

This is why Barr. Otobong Bob is often seen as a model to emulate: A symbolism of peace and humility. He represents peaceful coexistence irrespective of political differences.

In the spirit of the Easter yuletide, we all need to bury all differences for the collective good of Nsit Ubium state constituency, and forgiveness is the key.

See your brother as a partner in the struggle to build a formidable and economically vibrant Nsit Ubium community.

It is our collective effort that will enhance the realization of this vision.

Barr. Otobong Bob has offered himself as a humble servant to stand in the gap to bridge the differences that existed among major political players in Nsit Ubium state constituency.

He has offered himself to serve the people and ensure equal distribution of resources, irrespective of political differences. This is true love, a virtue that is hyper- scarce in our world today.

Having realized the kind of leader Barr. Bob is, you have a role to play to make his lofty dreams and vision come to pass. Preach this same message of love and peace.

Support his candidacy and let’s forestall an era where love, peace, unity, development and progress shall reign.

A vote for Barr. Otobong Bob is a vote for effective representation.

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