
Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Clergy calls on Churches to focus on Evangelism in Rural Areas

Pst. Idongesit Inwang, a pastor leading, IMIBOEDIKAN PEACE AND CHARITY ASSOCIATION (IPCA), in Uyo has called on churches in the country to focus on evangelism in the rural areas.

Inwang made the call in Uyo while interacting with media professional on Saturday.

He stressed on the importance of evangelism in the rural areas, saying that food items should be distributed to rural dwellers as a way of evangelising to the people.

He urged men of God to extend hands of fellowship to rural dwellers by sending food items to people in order to alleviate their suffering
“Imiboedikan Peace and Charity Association focuses on peace at the rural areas.

“We consider what is happening at the rural areas, people are famishing to dead because they have nothing to eat.

“So many people are encountering problems in the rural areas that is why we want to take evangelism out there to the rural dwellers,” he said. 

Revd. Inwang said that IPAC have receive victory from Christ to the association, saying that the association was an advocate of peace. 

“We pastors are living comfortably in town and organising revival meetings bringing pastors here and there, yet we dont know what is happening to the rural people.

“Pastors should extend hands of fellowship to the rural areas, evangelism should not just be gospel but with social responsibility with the idea of giving food items to rural dwellers,” Pst. Inwang said. 

Pst. Inwang said that the association was borne out of burden he had in his heart. 

He noted that the association provide services that would restore and renew relationship with God. 

Inwang further said the association also rebuild broken lives, broken marriages and family relationships.

“You can access the counselling and mediation services provided by renowned professionals through the leading of the Holy Spirit at IPAC located at 23 Umoren Street, Uyo.”

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