
Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Eket Youth plunge into recreation and entertainment ventures


The current economic recession in the country has challenged Eket youth to embark on collective entrepreneurship for self-reliance as a means of augmenting their gains in the European Football League results gambling which has hitherto remained their economic mainstay.  

The dreams of the youth manifested on the Christmas day celebration on Sunday, December 25, 2016 as a team of youth from Ikot Uso Ekong in Eket Local Government Area collectively established a recreation and entertainment park at the swam beach located behind the Community Secondary Commercial School in the area which, according to them, will serve as an entrepreneurship centre in the locality for the purpose of facilitating petty trading businesses by the youth in the area.

In an interview with our Correspondent, one of the youth leaders, Raster-man Victor Oduok James (alias Area Corner Stone Atlantic FM) disclosed that the youth resorted to establishing the beach as a better means of gainfully engaging them in the community having remained unemployed over years after leaving school.

The youth leader also confided in our Correspondent that some of their colleagues who were unfortunately engaged in Okada riding have decided to suspend the business due to the attendant risks and hazards, and have thought of the recreation and entertainment venture as an alternative safer source of living for them and their family members.

On interrogation whether they will not digress from their vision to rather indulge in illegal trading businesses involving the sales of cocaine, marijuana and illicit drinks, etc. which can create bad image for the community, the youth leader vouched that they are in for legitimate and legal transactions that will improve their standard of living and that of their dependants, as well as for promoting the name of the community and to the glory of God.

However, in their interaction with our Correspondent, the youth used the opportunity to appeal to the local and state governments and philanthropists to come to their assistance by way of financial support to enable them maintain the beach and expand their petty trading businesses as it is hopeful that the Centre will develop to a greater tourists attraction and amusement park in the State.

Our Correspondent who visited the beach on the Christmas day during the formal opening ceremony also reported that the event attracted many guests, tourists and lovers of entertainment both adults and the young people within and outside the community.  Our Source further reported that some local musicians, reggae artistes and live bandsets, etc. 

featured at the occasion and were watched on an elevated platform constructed by the youth.  Also, while tourists and other visitors were busy patronizing traders of assorted drinks, roasted chicken and soya, deliciously prepared meats and smoked fish, others were either playing games or keenly watching the different types of games and the running stream water, as well as the swam where illegal sand mining were being undertaken by some contractors. 

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