
Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Youths in politics: The consequences


The involvement of youths in   politics, many contend is         geared towards the get –rich-quick syndrome.  This, they do without caution or any thought what so ever to the dire consequences. Some people describe politics as a dirty/bloody game, just because of the activities involved in it. Some also describe it as a means of using techniques and skills and striving for government positions. Politics is defined in Encarta dictionary as being prudent, possessing or displaying shrewdness, tact or cunning.

However, the activities of youths in politics nowadays are hauteur, as pertaining to what should be expected of them. They are used by politicians for thuggery, assassination, kidnapping, and some other immoral activities, in order to achieve their inordinate desire, all in the name of politics. If anyone tries to preach against their manner of politics, they will say that they are into ‘politics’. But what are their gains fromall of these acts; do they even think of what their actions portend to the society?

Meanwhile, at the end of the day, some of them will be paid, some will be promised of political offices, while some will be dumped. It should be asked, are these promises made to them always fulfilled, what will those dumped do to earn a living? 

This is the very issue that increases the rate of armed robbery in the society.
What keeps bothering me is, why do the politicians keep using other people’s children to cause confusion in order to gain power while sending their children abroad after all, it is said that” trading is good for the mother and her child”. 

This is what youths that involve themselves in politics should reconsider before pushing ahead.
Although, some of the youths involve themselves in politics out of frustration, lack of parental care and or any guardian at all to nurture them in a way that they will help them achieve their future ambition. In a real sense, politics is not a career. Take for instance, Arch. Obong Victor Attah, the former Governor of Akwa Ibom State, who is a trained architect, even after politics, he can still fall back on his career.

Another prominent personality is the present Governor of Akwa Ibom State; Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel who is an accountant in his career and he was a banker before engaging himself in politics and many other top politicians numerous to mention. Then, what is the place of youths in politics, especially those who do not have any skill in life’s endeavor?

The above question is elicited from what was disclosed in a conversation recently at Nnung Oku Ibesikpo in a barber’s shop, by Mr. Atiang, who revealed the consequences of being a politician without the acquisition of any special skill outside politics. He said that, engaging in politics in such a manner is dangerous and detrimental to an average youth.

He notedfurther that, at his youthful age, he was an orphan, where nobody was there to take care of him academically and otherwise, as such, he had no option than to join politics and the consequences is what he is facing today. He said all these as a piece of advice to youths and parents who have children.
 Continuing, Mr. Atiang said that his uncleonce contested a political position that he would have gotten on a platter of gold but his uncle whose name he did not mention stopped him. Though, the said uncle denied the allegation. Atiang, said that he has been in politics for sometimes and deserves to have been rewarded but his uncle was a stumbling block to his political success. 

According to him, there is a serious hatred and calamity in the family. His uncle and his family have raise the ante to destroy him, claiming that he was behind the kidnapping that happened to him and that the first voice that asked for him to be killed was his voice, which he said he was not the one. But to Mr. Atiang, he has surrendered for reconciliation in the circumstances, but all his efforts proved abortive. He explained that his uncle is giving him a tough time. This case of Mr. Atiang is related to an adage that says “to err is human, to forgive is divine” he has wrong his uncle, the forgiveness is the case.

Parents should as well do their best to make sure that their children achieve their future ambition. On one hand, since youths, are not often joining politics willingly, but due to poverty, which they use as an avenue to make quick money. 

On the other hand, politicians should stop using youths to rig election by engaging them as thugs, assassins and kidnappers in order to brighten their political chances. Youths should also follow the good examples of the earlier mentioned politicians who were core professionals before dabbling into politics.

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