
Friday, 8 January 2016

Opinion: A world of no limits, by Samuel Ekekere

You will be familiar with the cliché “whatever goes up comes down.” During the days at primary school, your teachers would have done one of those “throw up objects” practicals to prove that the cliché olds water. We jumped up at such opportunities and happily concluded that however high one goes, chance is he will come down soon.  It’s baffling that in real life scenarios, we have accepted this cliché as the standard for living. How about if you decide not to come down? Someone might exclaim that’s not possible!
If you are afraid that you may come down from that high pedestal you are at or are currently aiming, it is understood. You aren’t the only one there. There are billions of persons like you across the world. How about fashioning a way to beat gravity? Yes gravity. The law seems to affect just about all human action in this world. I discovered it.

I discovered that there are a small number of persons who are have discovered a world where there are no limits. They have discovered a world where gravity stands at attention while they continually reach for space. This small number is doing great things across the world while the rest watch in amazement at the prolific lifestyle that characterizes this limitless life.
There are those who just bounce at the top once they get there. There is no chance they might come down anytime soon because they are aware of the limitless possibilities of the world without limits. Think of the astronauts outside earth whose world has no boundaries. National space agency of America NASA has continued to welcome new information about the universe every single day because of the vastness of the world outside the earth. The probes won’t stop getting new information and the knowledge quest about the universe continues unabated.
Those who live in a limitless world find themselves in a world of information. They just can’t stop learning because that’s the livewire. How much you know affects how well you will think. To stay at a position of unlimited performance and achievement, you must continue to acquire new knowledge. The day you stop learning, you practically begin your slow death. That day, the cliché at the beginning of this write-up will catch up with you.
Death is a necessary factor that ends the physical life of every man. It however does nothing to the spiritual and metaphysical effects of the man who has discovered the world of no limits. He is always quoted, read and studied. He forever continues to inspire people after he is long gone. These kinds of persons break the death limit and live on forever into generations.
We are always challenged by the lives of personalities like Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln and more recently, Martin Luther, Gandhi, Mandela, Azikiwe, Steve Jobs etc. These men knew that they were actually in a life of no limits and they lived their lives with the limits non-existent. They are all dead but they’ve lived beyond death’s limits since then.
How do you live this limitless life? The primary lifestyle is that one that affects lives in the most positive way. Human life is filled with limits, limits of hunger, poverty, lack, sickness etc. The limitless man finds a way to solve these problems by providing solutions to these limits. The moment you find problems that has limitations around it and you begin to undo the limits you break into a world of no limitations. That’s what some of the famous inventors whose names we still read and hear about understood when they searched for problems and began to solve them.
The man who discovers he can live beyond limits search for challenges whose solutions he can offer and goes about offering it in the most energetic way. He often lives the world providing so much solutions and so much knowledge that generations after him depend on him for information and inspiration.
There is no limitation that cannot and should not be subdued. That’s actually our role when we were each sent to the world. We came to find some problems we can solve and then live generations with steps to follow to also solving future problems. We find purpose when we discover that limitless possibilities exist because we dare to solve them.
Finding solutions will require you dare. Challenges are like huge mountains but the man who looks at the mountain and dare to climb soon discovers that he is on a roller coaster at the other side of the mountain.
One last word is, there are actually no limits. Whatever limits we find around us are the limits we accept. Your destiny is in your hands.

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