
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

ICT Column: Hurray it’s a happy 2016 already!!

By Ubong Nsekpong

Welcome back! If you’re following  this column in The Nigerian Pulse, I’m really sorry, I never knew the editors would down their weapons, sorry, pens on the 21st of December last year, a long holiday that is seeing us here again today, and so I never had the time to wish you a merry Christmas in this column. To those in The Ink Newspaper, I remember we took a review of 2015 together, though I skipped some events that would have been a major for you we parted on good notes as I wished you the best of the season and I am optimistic you sure did enjoy the season. Nevertheless, we can’t rewind to 2015, we’re marching forward, enough blessings already this year, so why focus on the past than delivering the message of freedom (at least earthly), technology can offer Akwa Ibom people.  

2016 is the year we all looked forward to. In 2015 we had our plans, some worked out and some did not.  Those were our own plans. But to me the only plan I had that year was the one I wrote a request to God about, and in all honesty, it was a done deal that year.  This year I have written another request, just one again, when it happens, I will use the result thereof to tell you what I requested God of last year.  Before I become self centered, how was your Christmas celebrations? Someone called and asked how I was celebrating my Christmas? Well, it was fun at his end according to his report. I wondered why some people had bombarded my timeline on twitter with the #tyrantbuhari hashtag claiming life was unbearable in some parts of the country.

Well, before attempting to reintroduce the effect of politics on Information Technology Sector in Akwa Ibom State, a sector expert believes can transform the economy of a nation in a twinkling of an eye. Let me get you down on track what we intend to discuss about this year on IT Matters.  Maybe you’re still uncertain of which operating system is best for you, I will sure make provision through this column to inform you on the operating system you really need to use at home and in your offices.  Which is most vulnerable and the most secured Operating System in the Technology Market. I know you are very conversant with the word “windows”, well that’s where we all started or if not all at least 95% of us started off with windows I can bet. Ok no argument, you didn’t start with windows? Do you know the version of the Mac OS your running on your hard disk?  Have you ever heard of the word Linux OS? Do you know that on Linux platforms you do not need an anti virus? Well on IT Matters this year you’ll get to know more about these operating systems.
Believe it or not Politics plays a major role in our day to day activities.  For instance, recently a young man called to inform me that I should not bother bringing any ideas to the government currently. To him his excuse was simple, the government will be taken over by the opposition party in the State.  This had sparked a kind of doubt in me as government seems not interested in investing genuinely on ideas placed on various tables from this platform. But after a few interactions I was told the delay in the execution of those ideas was because they were not budgeted for, so with the present budget, local contents will be given a platform to thrive in the State as the Governor is fully aware of the role this sector plays in building the economy. Therefore, if a wrong person is placed to pilot the affairs of the State, we may experience the type of investment the government made some years back at the ministry of Science and Technology. Therefore without mincing words, we will delve into politics since this is a driver for most sectors of the economy.
In everything we will discuss this year on this platform, the society will be our focus.  A critical look at religion and how to build damps to avoid it overflow and destruction of our ecosystem by the power accrued by its leaders will also be paramount in our focus.  The society had sown enough seed in developing various religious movements, therefore I will dare to view critically how this religious movements in turn develop us, indicating the fruitfulness the seeds sown over the years by members of the common society.  Away from religion, we will have to eavesdrop on some website and monitor how they are faring in 2016.  We will sure view the cyber space and see how we can help those who cannot get data bundle to surf the net, get the necessary information that are generously updated on the internet space then we will publish them here.
2016 promises to be thrilling but if you are not following this column then I will not need to publish what is happening in the Information Technology Sector in the State. So I believe you will pick up a copy of The INK Newspaper every Tuesday to follow me on this column. We need a wider space to inform you better so it will not be a bad idea if you throw in your support so that this page can be published for the benefit of the society.  If I forget to inform you that I will do a lot of marketing this year then I may not be fair. If you are selling electronics, gadgets, etc. please do well to reach me on the phone number above.  We will be glad to introduce your product on this column to our teaming readers.
Finally, I am working on a project and so it will not be out of place if I solicit your support directly here for the actualization of that project.  I believe it is better to fail than not trying.  The multimedia project has been incubated for a long time now and we have reached a certain level where we believe if some support are thrown in from you, then we can launch the project to the glory of God.  Some variables for the proper execution of the project are still not substantiated, therefore I believe all things being equal all parameters will be met and the software will be launched. Well, let me stop here for today. Don’ t fail to pick up a copy of this paper every Tuesday and keep a date with me as we journey together on this mission to rescue the once forsaken sector of the economy.  Once again, Happy New Year and have a nice time keeping a date with me. 

The need to update our information system

Inspiring homilies could be kept for reference purposes


“I am not speaking by my own au- thority, I am speaking in reference to the first reading of today. As a priest of God I am standing here to declare to you the blessings I am commanded by God’s word to decree to you today…” the priest spoke as members listened attentively to the word that will usher them into the new year.  Reaching down to my pocket, I drew out a small jotter I got since 2014 and a biro which has recently become a custom rather than a need during a liturgical function. Indeed with the first reading taken there was a special message for me and all technopreneurs in the State and so I listened with rapt attention while taking down some points.
As a believer in The Word, all that was needed to usher me into the new year was wrapped up in the 48 minutes homily by the priest.  Several projects lined up my diary in 2015 waiting to be executed yet so many forces seemed to have impeded the execution of same.  I had visited several agencies and parastatals in search of support for the execution of these projects but to no avail.  Now it was obvious that those I thought earlier were the right sources to solicit support were actually far from the Industry in practice even when they pretended to understand the message encoded thereof. Therefore the homily on the 1st day of the year was the needed encouragement for a smooth take off in 2016.
Beneath this recording on a small jotter, I was worried that after mass I may not open to my diary to read the content recorded during the homily.  According to the scriptures, in accordance with the spirit of the season, the priest had blessed us and charged us to remain focus on God.  There was a greater need to have a video, transcription of the message in text and even animated images to always act as the grounds for which such messages is revisited.
Currently the image of the message on January 1st 2016 is still fresh on my mind, but beyond this memory stored up my brain, I strongly believe inspiring messages  should be kept safe in a software where references could be made. In the political circle we have the same problem of not being able to fall back on inspiring quotes from our leaders an event that may be interpreted negatively by future generations.  The time to start is now. Call the number above to support IT Projects from our ecosystem.  Thank you for keeping a date.

*For this page to continue trending, your support is needed. You can also use this page to introduce your products to thousands of Akwa Ibomites at home. To support our multimedia project, please call us

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