
Friday, 7 August 2015

My trip via the holy writ


If you want to “face” me or you want to see my face in a facebook, you will not catch up with me because, as an imitator or a competitor or a rival that you are, you can only follow in my tracks without passing me. Boy, I cannot be reached anyhow. Thou son of the morning star, I heard you are planning against me. Make no attempted attempt to hurt me because, surely, you will fall into the pit you have dug. The only way you can reach me is when you are in Genesis enroute Revelation. You can harm me only if you can read your Bible and act well on it. Have you read it today?
I am glad to announce to you that I have read through the whole Bible for the first time and I pledge to make many repetitions before my dying day. But, I must confess, I am not yet born-again. Even Commander Andy, the truth-defender, can attest to this truth. This is how I journeyed through the Bible:
As a vivacious man (adia uwem owo), I went to Genesis Hotel through Exodus Road. On the way, I saw Leviticus recording Numbers of the people at Deuteronomy, while Joshua was waiting at the beautiful gate for Judges to see Ruth calling loudly “Samuel, Samuel!”. At a stage, the first and second Kings of Chronicles were coming to visit Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for the misfortune of Job, their brother. Then they noticed that Mr. Psalms was teaching his children Proverbs concerning Ecclesiastes and Songs of Solomon. This coincided with the period that Isaiah and Jeremiah were engaged in Lamentations for Ezekiel and Daniel, their friends. By that time, Amos and Obadiah were not around. Three days later, Hosea, Joel and Jonah travelled in the same ship with Micah and Nahum to Jerusalem. Habakkuk then visited Zephaniah who introduced him to Haggai, a friend of Zachariah, whose cousin is Malachi. Immediately after the old tradition, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John got involved in Acts with the Romans who were behaving like the Corinthians, who were also always at loggerheads with the Galatians. At that time too, the Ephesians realizing that the Philippians were close to the Colossians, suggested to the Thessalonians that they should first of all see Timothy who had gone to the house of Titus to teach Philemon, his younger brother, how to read and write in Hebrew. On hearing this, James asked Peter to explain to him how the three Johns have disclosed to Jude the Revelations of my journey.
Ha-ha-ha! Please, join me to read your Bible everyday, if you want to grow. Don’t read it by rote, i.e don’t quote for public show; don’t push it, don’t force it, let it be a part of you.
You may ask: “Is Aniefiok now a new creature?” No, I am not holier than thou. I remain the same old me for now, I only read the scriptures. Someone else may say “See who is preaching! If he has completed reading the Bible, is he practicing what he had read or what he is preaching? Is he not the one attacking government this wise, that wise and otherwise in the newspapers? This piece is open to criticism, you can react to it. Yes, it concerns the Saints and the wicked, it concerns men of God, it concerns our Royal Fathers, it concerns our un-cowardly military men, it concerns our exuberant youths, it concerns killers, it concerns thieves, it concerns you and I. As Christians, let’s read our Bible and practice its teachings… so that our country go betta for us all. So, help us, God.

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