
Friday, 10 July 2015

Annang people are Israelites: The story as it is…!

  Annang people are Israelites: The story as it is…!


Let me begin this time by alerting you all that so far, our revelators-crew has dis covered more than 4,000 and more pieces of evidence that shows clearly that ANNANG PEOPLE ARE ISRAELITES. There were so many issues from different quarters that I needed to address which never gave me the time to bring you this page before now; and following from the pressure in which our people all over Nigeria, African countries, and in other continents of the world had mounted to hear from me with regards to the Egyptianising of Annang people by a former Governor, Senator Godswill Akpabio in quoting an unproven version of an oral history., there should be no qualms. I appreciate you all for your eagerness to know the truth, and once again I send you warmest greetings in Jesus name.
It is indeed a fact that I want to emblazon on your minds when saying that “CONFUSSION IS NEVER A LEGACY…” as thought of by misleaders; and that the history and migration of the Jews to different parts of the world cannot be sacrificed on the alter of politics.


Out of more than 4,000 and more facts and evidence that points clearly to our root in Israel, I will only mention few, but the details are there for those who need more of it. 

Let me begin by saying that in ancient times, Egypt was a world-power like the United States of America of today which many are struggling to sojourn there; and many migrated from different parts of the world to visit or stay there. Could this mean that such immigrants were originally Egyptians? Please take note that the map of the Jewish migration to other places in the world is well known to the Jews.

In the first place, what we know today as Nigeria, Congo, Cameroon, Ghana, etc was in ancient times under the geographical confederacy of Ethiopia the great; and during the ancient days of Egyptian world-power, the children of Israel had been visiting Egypt and even sojourned there at one time or the other before departing., but that there was a certain world-power that was known as “Assyria”. It is on record that one of the first official migration of the Jews into Africa via the Ethiopia-route was when Assyrian forces scattered some tribes of Israel, as it was latter traced to be the 10 tribes of Israel of which it has been confirmed that the southern-kingdom of Judah had shared an origin story with the Northern Kingdom of Israel and was also affected; that was how it happened.

It is also on record that before and after the Babylonian captivity, that our people were still on the march till they penetrated this region and confederated at Arochukwu via Usak-Edet. My happiness is that the Israelis have a way of tracing their historical D.N.A,. No matter how long and infiltrated it may appear.

Be informed that the name “Annang” is gotten from the Hebrew word “Enan” from which we have the word Enang, (Cow). Enan in Hebrew refers to a tribal-leader but here in Annang, it is called “Enang” to depict the strength of the tribe when compared to the powers, weight and strength of a Cow or Bull.  We also have the name “Annang” from the Hebrew word “Anan” see Nehemiah 10:26

The name Annang is also traced to the Hebrew name “Anani” see 1st Chronicles 3:24. The names kept being transliterated from time to time, and being influence by the tongue of strangers, neighbors and stranger-elements in pronunciation in the course of the long journey down here. The word “IKOT” which in Annang-Ibibio dialect refers to “BUSH” is gotten from the Hebrew word “KOTS”; and the word “KOTS” in Hebrew refers to the “BUSH SETTLEMENTS OF THE HEBREWS”. In Annang-Ibibio, so many villages in Annang and other sub-tribes of Ibibio are named as IKOT THIS or IKOT THAT; for example, Ikot-Obiosan in Oruk-Anam, Ikot-Ekan in Etinan, Ikot-Obio Atai Itam, Ikot-Ibritam, Ikot-Eyo, Ikot-Akpa-ndua, etc.

Annang people are Israelites: The story as it is…!   

In Annang, we have what is now known as Itai-Afe-Annang. ITAI AFE ANNANG are all Hebrew words and names. AFE is gotten from the Hebrew word “EPHER” and this Hebrew word “EPHER” gave birth to the Annang word AFE. “AFE” means the same thing both in Annang and in Hebrew. EPHER (AFE) in Hebrew means a gloomy hall, shred, gloomy place or person.

The word ITAI is a Biblical name of Hebrew Origin.
Ittai is said to be one of King David’s Army Captains; who as a Gittite was finally traced to the tribe of Gath. (See) 2nd Sam. 15:19, 2nd Sam. 15:21, 22, 2nd Sam. 18:2, 5 and verse 12.

In Annang and other sub-tribes of Ibibio, they are villages with the name “Afaha”. Thus “Afaha” is a corruption and an age-long transliteration from the name Arphaxad which when the letter (d) is being silent is Arphaxa. Arphaxad is a Jewish name. (See) Ist Chronicle 1:17 and 24, Gen. 11:10, 11, 12, 13 and Luke 3:36. Moreover, the N.I.V Atlas of the Bible by C.G Rasmusseen 1989 reveals clearly that there was an ancient place in Judah that was called “APHAKAH” of which we have the name “AFAHA”.  At Usak-Edet of ancient, where we migrated to Arochukwu, the neighbours of IBIBIOS of which ANNANG IS THE WILDEST SUB-TRIBE AND CORE–CUSTODIAN OF ANCIENT RELICS, TRADITION AND CULTURE, we were known by our neighbors and the entire world as AFAHA people. I salute Mr. Jonathan Udoekong who was not relaxed in making his findings known and recorded it in proofing me right that we came in via AFAHA-WATER WAY, and this AFAHA {APHAKAH} water-way is in Israel. This makes us privy to the sea-gate of the Gentiles as was spoken of old which I said that I will explain to you, as {Egypt} as a key Gentile-nation in history is also linked to our home in Israel by water.  Let me also use this opportunity to debunk and expunge the claims of those who proliferate the false-version that the Ibibios are the off-spring of the Igbos. This is false! The Igbos are the Sudanic-speakers, this is why most of their words end in vowels, whereas Annang words end in both consonants and vowels because history says that we are of the Bantu-speaking stock, and according to Rev. Udoeyen Udoeyen, thus the word “MMETU” is a corruption of the name “BANTU”.

 Moreover, the Igbo ancient calendar had 4days in a week, whereas ANNANG ancient calendar had 8 days in a week; and 8 days was the calendar-time that God gave to Moses as was used by the Jews of ancient. 8 days of ANNANG ancient calendation was purely Jewish. Infact, let me also use this opportunity to hail the Igbos, and applaud them as one of the heirs of our Father Abraham, and to also alert that the stock should please be clearly specified because Father Abraham had other Sons aside from ISAAC and ISHMAEL. Moreover, the Edomites are equally the descendants of Father Abraham, but that we are traced to the SHEMITIC RACE via ISAAC, THE JACOBIC BLOOD-LINE AND SONS OF JUDAH. In the spirit of sportsmanship, may I please appeal for details from the Igbos over specification of their blood-line. Daryll Forde and G.I Jones wrote that the Ibibios are traced to Usak-Edet (a place they named “Edik-Afaha”). These men wrote that Victoria and Kumba Divisions in Cameroun and Aba in Abia state of Nigeria were an integral part of Ibibio-land; according them, the Ibibios were dispersed and pushed out by the Igbos. P.A Talbot observed that we had arrived Southern-Nigeria in 7,000 B.C or earlier.

In proving more about our root in ancient Palestine (Israel), you would be shocked to know that most of the Jewish-relics that proofs that the Ibibios are Jews are reserved in Annang-D.N.A, dialect, and culture. The war-like D.N.A of the Jews is clearly reflected in the Ibibios via Annang blood. Investigation made so far shows that until the time of the war of 16 century which dispersed the Ibibios from Abia-Arochukwu enclave, that Annang as the military-might of other sub-tribes of Ibibios were always leading the fore-front of battles, but that as at the time of that war, certain in-house fracas between Annang-Ibibio and other sub-tribes of Ibibios had ravaged the rules of engagement, strategy and the logistics that should have been in place. And other sub-tribes of Ibibios went ahead to lead the war, which resulted in the mass slaughter of the Ibibios and the capture of Abia-Aro enclave. It was there and then that Annang-people could not wait to see the mess against their brothers that they rushed into the battle, and when the Igbos met with Annang- people, the battle soared-into a bloody phase, and like the brainwork of Albert Einstein that ended the second world-war; another America-wonder from the Annang-people was there to cripple and crush aggressors to naught, and raised a standard, but that before this intervention, the damage was done and Abia-Aro had been taken by the Igbos as they were closing in to take more until our HEBRAIC SLOGAN OF NEVER-AGAIN echoed! This is why most tough boundaries between Akwa-Ibom State and the Igbos are being occupied and checked by Annang-Ibibio as a Jewish-fortress and other boundaries supported by their brothers in Ini and Ikono. (The wise-one once told me that if you want to know how the Biblical PETER looked like, that you should imagine an Annang-man with his matched). As we proceed, you will hear more! Take note that Annang is WESTERN-IBIBIO, and that the inaugural meeting of Ibibio-Union took place in Ikot-Ekpene in 1928, and according to Mr. Edet-Ukpong, one of the liberated slaves (Ebengo) likely meaning “Ebe Nko” (the husband of a woman called Nko) who was sold to the Portuguese but got liberated by a British-warship and preferred to settle in Sierra-Leone, and when interviewed said that his original homeland is Nkwot, the capital of Abak at a certain time and the capital of Ikot-Ekpene at another time. 

It is obvious that Ikot–Ekpene division and Abak division were strong power bloc at a certain time in history which included Uyo, and other Ibibio brothers of ours, and you can see with me that we have “Nkwot” in Ikono local government area, which must have probably been the “Nkwot” that was mentioned by the slave; and that a version of Wikipedia also attempts to have a say on something to proof that Annang and other sub-tribes of Ibibio are one. According to this version of Wikipedia, Ikot-Ekpene, known through out Nigeria as “the raffia-city” or locally simply… included Uyo and Abak with the headquarters in Ikot-Ekpene town. May I observe that those who are fond of using the phrase, “ANNANG and IBIBIO” or “ANNANG versus IBIBIO” are talking out of ignorance. May God forgive them for fiddling with the ancient-landmark of which the scriptures forbids, and that our ancestors are not happy about it. The citing of Ibibio State college in Ikot-Ekpene was on this note, and that those who rose to fight for a change of name, did that out of ignorance, greed and personal prejudice against the entire state.  

Annang people are Israelites: The story as it is…!
Annang is as the men of Judah who were often in the fore-front and is a right-hand sub-tribe of other IBIBIOS, and remains the IBIBIO-cultural bank as a strong-hold and the wildest tribe of Ibibio. Let me reiterate in the words of the late Chief Nyong Essien who said… Ibibio enyong edi! We are one. For example, there is a village in the present Onna local government that is known as Ikot-Annang; moreover, is the Idua in Oron different from the Idua in Eket? Or is the Okopedi in Eket different from the Okopedi in Itu/Ibiono and the Okopedi in Okobo? In addition to this, Afaha group of villages is across the state. We are one! It is just that Annang people as I earlier said upholds to a greater percent most of our Jewish relics and tradition. Let it not surprise you that the present IBIBIO-LANGUAGE is an Anglo-phonated IBIBIO. A, E, I, O, U, u were not IBIBIO-ALPHABETS. Our Ibibio syllabus and curriculum should please be thoroughly revisited. The original beginning of Ibibio alphabet was “MKPAD KE MKPAD” or “MKPAT KE MKPAT” or “IKPAT KE IKPAT” and when the children of Israel journeyed back to Canaan from Egypt, it was a leg to leg affair, “(MKPAD KE MKPAD)”. Moreover, the ancient Ibibio counting, symbols and numbers were different from what we see today; for example, our number seven was an arrow descending from space (the heavens), and you know that the number seven stands for perfection, completeness and divine-totality, while our ancient number eight was pointing heavenward, and thus, the number eight stands for a new beginning, but that the present number seven was our number ten; more so, an equal-sides triangle with a small line that crossed from the left side of the triangle to the middle was our number four, and King David’s triangle is what you see in the Jewish-flag which is just a doubling and fusing of a triangle of which one of the triangle is turned upside down. Do you know that there are many names bored by our people that are Jewish names. Essien is a prominent name of people and places in Annang.

 Essien has its origin in the Hebrew name “Eshean” and an Annang-man pronounces the name “Essien” according to its Jewish formation as “Eshean”. The name “Eshean” was the name of a city in the mountain of Judah of which bearers of this names and places are also rooted; for example, Essien group of villages, Essien-Udim local government area, Essien-Atai, Anwa-Essien, and the deity Essien-emana, etc. The American anthropologist, Peter Farb, had it that the name ‘Annang’, among this group means “they who speak well…” and thus the Hebrew word “GEN” is what gave birth to the word “AGEN” or “Eyen” or “Ayen” which meant child both in Hebrew and in our dialect. The surprising thing here is that in Annang-Ibibio, it is pronounced as the exact Hebrew word “GEN”. The word “Akam” in Annang and other sub-tribes of Ibibio means “prayer” and this word is traced to the Hebrew word “Agam” which in Hebrew means lake. The lake here in Hebrew is traced to the lake of fire during sacrifices that were often offered by the Priest. 

The word “Mforo” is traced to the Hebrew word “Ephod” and this was the sacred wear of the priest (Exodus 25:7). The word “Abot” or “Obot” is a Hebrew word, and this word in our place means “land-area” or “a land-area above the sea”. The word “Atara” is a Hebrew word that refers to “CROWN” but over here, it means to expand; and when one’s coast or territory expands, it attracts a title, crown, throne and powers attached to it. “Avia” is a Hebrew word but here we pronounce it as “Afia” which means white or trap. Our word “Odudu” which means power is gotten from the Jewish word “Odudud” and means the same thing in Hebrew. Our word “Ebekpo” which means throne, came from the Hebrew word “Ebekpon”. 

“Ami” or “Amit” is a Hebrew name which means my nation, my people, it also means trustworthy, etc., but in Annang-dialect, it got so corrupted to rather mean “myself”. The word “Ebiet” which means “a place” was born out of the name of an ancient Hebrew place in Israel called “Biet”. The name Benjamin is in fact lettered in Hebrew as BENYAMIN, and this is how a core Annang-man would pronounce this name. Whenever you hear someone pronouncing anything in a primitive manner, please don’t laugh, because you may not have known what transpired in history;

simply look in between the person’s tongue, his or her fourth dimension, his cultural background, his worldview, his psychic past and present, etc, and root out something before it gets extinct, after which you update the person, but let history remain as it is. This is how we lost aspects of our native and traditional science in the past and the unraveled aspects of Nchibbidi that would have aided indigenous linquistic, scientific, and other forms of advancement.

“Ben” is also a Hebrew name which refers to “Son”, but in Annang-dialect, following from the tones of slave-trade of which our sons were the prime in the slave-market, the name “BEN” got so corrupted to the point that it became a verb in a no optional command to mean “ben” which in Annang-dialect means “carry”. For example “carry this or that” and after the slave-merchants have paid for the number of slaves that was bargained for, “carry them’’ as in “ben kaa” carry them away would be heard. The Jews are very energetic and hard-working, and this is what you see in my place. The affinity of an Annang-man with his matched and knife is like that of a mother and her lovely baby. Being a Jew is never for the faint-hearted and their ancient war-like nature is symbolic with that of the Jewish bloc.

“Dor” in Hebrew falls in line in to mean “generation” etc, but “Dor” in Annang-Ibibio means marry. Marriage is also for procreation as it makes for another generation. It is also from there that we have the word “ndo” which means marriage. A name like DEDE in Annang has a Jewish origin, and many others that I know. One of our revelators (Mr. Elijah Nelson Nkanta) from Mkpat-Enin local government, once told me that he was confided upon by a Jewish-source on seeing this article as was firstly published on net that my grand-parents had at a time lived in the same city with St. Paul and got his tutelage. These facts are coming up in a book soon.

In Oruk-Anam Local Government Area, there is a village that happens to be the head-quarter called Ikot Ibritam. “Ibri” is seen in 1st Chron. 24:27. The etymological origin of the word Hebrew is gotten from the word “Ibri” and the other syllables “Ithamar” see Exodus 6:23. Ezra 8:2, Num. 3:2, Levit. 10:6, Ist Chron. 24:5 and 6. Thus, Ithamar means lands of Palms and also the name of the youngest son of Aaron. Ibritam is deitised in Israel. Etam – see Ist Chron. 4:3 and 32, 2nd Chron. 11:6. Etam in Hebrew means “the bird” “their hawk”, “their covering”, “their cleft”. In 2nd Chron. 11:6, This is a city of Judah that was fortified by Rehoboam. This city is near Bethlehem, and is likely to be the place from where the sources of water is from which Solomon’s Garden and pools were flowing from.

This is also related to the origin of the name, Itam in Itu Local Government Area as being Jewish. In addition to this, Itu was the name of an ancient place in Israel called “Iturea” while Etam was the name of a Biblical man and two cities. This man was of the tribe of Judah whose sons were Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash and daughter was Hazelelponi (Ist Chron. 4:3). This was also a village of the tribe of Simeon (Ist Chron. 4:32). In certain cleft, it is of a rock where Sampson retired after beheading the philistines. Judges 15:8, 11.

 The symbol of our Itam-peace column is a bird with a leaf in its mouth or beak which was a relic that our ancestors kept and preserved from the ancient time of Noah when Noah sought for a confirmation that the waters had abated for the ark to rest, so that the occupants of the ark can come forth; and thus this symbol of Itam-peace column meant that we have finally arrived our land of Canaan here in Africa after the long journey, all the way from Palestine (Israel).  Our word “Itikkeh” meaning a slope or port-hole has its root in the name of an ancient place in Israel called “Eltikkeh”.  The name Adiaha is a corruption of the Hebrew name “Adaiah” or “Adaya” and has been viewed by me 13 times in the Bible. She was the grand-mother of King Josiah. (See) 2nd kings 22:1. The name is probably of a unisex-status as several men in the Bible-times also bore the name meaning “God has adorned” and also meaning “witness of the Lord”. But other names in Hebrew still gave birth to the name “Adiaha” and such Hebraic names are Adiela, and Adiya. 

It should be noted that when we marched away from Usak-Edet now Isangelle in Cameroun, Annang people and other sub-tribes of Ibibios entered the promised-land through three routes and in three groups. The first group settled in Arochukwu, and was then referred to as the “Eastern-Ibibios” most of which are the people of Uyo, Itu, Opobo, Abak, Ikot-Ekpene and Abak divisions. While the second badge marched into the promise-land by water and inhabited the territorial enclave of Akwa-Akpa that is at the estuary of Cross-River; and this badge were the people of Uruan, Nsit, and Ibesikpo. The last badge overstayed at Usak-Edet and got more influence by French-language and the life-styles of the Camerounians and their neighbors, and these were predominantly the water borne Ibibio-Jews, and were the people of Oron and Eket. In relating it to our link with Israel, it should also be noted that the return of the Jews from Babylon had been in three-phases, and our entry into our present homeland were in three-phases. 

According to Rev. Udoeyen Udoeyen, our ancestors raised two alters at Ibom (present Arochukwu); an alter was raised for El-Gibbom (the God of Ibom) which was an alter raised to the most high God whose true identity was sublimed in their thought of an amazing force that is Supreme over all forces, and another alter was raised for their ancestor (IBRITAM). On seeing this, I recapitulated on what happened at Bethel when Jacob anointed the stone at Bethel with oil and also libated on the rock with wine. The pouring of libation in prayers by Jacob at Bethel was unto the God of His ancestor,” the God of Father Abraham” and our ancestors in their apostate and ignorant state had libated unto IBRITAM their Jewish-ancestral deity.  Till today, the powers of IBRITAM as the mother-deity of all deities in Akwa-Ibom is second to none. (Ibritam atte ino owo, afo udehe owo?). In those ancient times, the marriage of a man to a virgin was common and was a pride to the husband, and moreover, findings have unraveled that before any one would marry, the parents of the man would often make careful findings and went in search for a damsel for their Son. This was also a Jewish relic in our culture as Father Abraham sent his trusted lieutenants to search for a befitting wife for Isaac, and appended his recommendation and blessing. Also take note that circumcision was linked to the Abrahamic-covenant. 

Our ancestors had been in the practice of circumcision right from time, and that the naming of children in Annang and other Ibibio sub-tribes was after eight-days, which is purely a Jewish culture. With reference to sheep-rearing and what a sheep stands to represent in the culture of the Jewish-people; there is a village in Abak local government known as Ikot Edong, and we also have a village in Ikot-Ekpene local government that is known as “Ikot-Obong Edong” meaning the village or settlement of the Chief-Shepherd, or the settlement of the greatest owner of sheep. In Ibesikpo-Asutan, we have a village that is known as “Okop Ndua Erong” which means to hear of the plantation or swamp where sheep abide. The symbol of sheep in our culture is same with Israel. For example, in ancient-times in Uruan, the Obong Edong was a very reputable, well respected and the highest rank of the traditional and sacred-order. No new farms were cleared for farming any year without a ram being sacrificed. In Uruan, the holder of this title was the heir apparent.

 Ubong-Edong (Order of sheep) had remained the highest Order of Ubong, and was held by the “Obong-Ikpaisong” (clan-head). Thus Christ is the sheep that was slain as the greatest sacrifice to bring peace to the world-order, and we are still and will ever be under the Lordship of Him that was slain “OBONG EDONG” who happens to be the seed of Nazareth who by His death rose as the Chief-Shepherd to glory that He might reconcile His father’ sheep back to the original plan in creation. Probably the people of Uruan may not be aware that Uruan was the name of an ancient province in Palestine called Hauran in the east of Gallilee. Hauran was just about two cities away from Damascus. It is likely that Hauran, Damascus, and Samaria had shared a common apostate which had been adultery, witchcraftcy and idolatry in the profanation of the Holy-place. And thus, Christ laid siege against the powers that troubled the Saints and captured Saul on his way to Damascus as Saul had also re-inforced in Hauran. The naming of children after circumstance was a Jewish practice and same in Annang-land and other Ibibio sub-tribes. The word “ugep” or “uyep” has been traced to the Hebrew word “yep” and this word came forth in the course of the Jewish-spying mission with regards to what had transpired in the elephantine island.  Accordingly, let me dove my cap for Rev. Udoeyen Udoeyen who has spent almost his entire life to lay the final pass between the people of Akwa Ibom and Israel. 


I mean a project that worth about 12 to 13 Billions of naira; but that the Israelis got angry and pulled out of the project because of what the then governor did to us. If it was in most places in the world, streets would have been named in our honour and our welfare and stake would have been the concern of the government and the people from time to time. We were badly chased by assassins, trailed, and kept in travail. Rev. Udoeyen was terribly butchered with assailants’ matched, badly beaten and left half dead in a gutter., some in our team later died and I took to my heels living in fears, all because of this big project which the Israeli-government came with to Akwa-Ibom through our brain-child in our exploring our cultural and historical link and root with Israel., but I thank the Jews as they have known and confirmed the truth about our identity with them. Glory be to God! The Israeli-project which we brought to Akwa-Ibom was in response to one of the questions that the Israeli-government asked us on confirming our identity with them. One of the questions that they asked us was how they can be of help to these descendants of theirs, and we demanded for ISRAELI-TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN AGRICULTURE. That was how it began. We are JEWS! I was satisfied with learning and mastering the writings of NCHIBBIDI as I also traced it to the Shemitic-race, when our Rev. Udoeyen suddenly brought to the fore the proof that aside from Nchibbidi, that there was a revealed language that was given to us that was called “OBERI OKAIME” also known as the New African language, as was published in 1927. In 1989, Professor Abasiattai of the Department of History, University of Uyo, had put down an outline for the study of this language. (1) Eight kingdom (TETIA) (2) Where there will be TETIA. (3) Interpretation of terms (New Sabbath).  The archeological records that were examined shows clearly that it was purely an Hebrew language.

I like close-marking details on sensitive issues like this to the later and following from a very careful and thorough research into this language, the lost book of the Bible that was published in PUNCH NEWSPAPER in JULY 9, 1993 which is a 30,000 word manuscript which was uncovered among ruins in West of Jerusalem, contains the story of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, and the time of the Jews at the fore-front of civilization and the return of the Jews, and what was known as millennial Sabbath. It was reported that the onus was on a top notch team of Hebrew scholars to translate the script; and that the contents of both records and what they stood for were common. According to Rev. Udoeyen, the word “TETIA” was prominent when translated by the Hebrew scholars and where there will be “TETIA” in the New African language.

 Moreover, when the script was translated and interpreted; one of the things said had it thus, “yak Ibri (Hebrew) enyongo”. And we have come to also discover that it was from this revealed language of OBERI OKAIME that was given to us which was banned, scorned and rejected by the Colonial government that is the root of the Classical-Greek of today. Take note that the Oberi Okaime Elolimpt alphabet had clear traces and resemblance with our Ibibio vegicimal counting and symbols. Wikkipedia’s first version of oral history which speaks of Annang-Egyptian root should not breed chaos. It is on record that aside from “Goshen” that there was also a certain place in Egypt at a certain time and era that was called “Etham” which was also place where some Hebrews stayed for sometime before they moved away, unlike Christ who stayed in Egypt at His infant and later returned to Israel at the dead of King Herod. We are Hebrews and CHRIST our own! 

The name Abia is a Hebrew name which culminated into Abia-okpo of which some villages are also named. We also have names and titles like Abia-idiong, Abia-ibok, Abia-ndia, Abia-mfa, Abia-ndem as the name (ABIA) could be traced to the Jewish realm. (See) Ist Chronicles 3:10, Matt. 1:7 and Luke 1:5.

The bearers of this name are often traced to possess deep inner zeal to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their strongly acquired world view on spiritual matters, as well as building their lives on a solid foundation of order and service. This people are said to be quick-tempered/choleric, brave and have much preference to discipline, pragmatic and practical craving to existence and justice. 

The word “Akai” is seemingly a corruption of the name Micah or Micaiah. Micah means “who is like God”; though the meaning of Akai in Annang-Ibibio is Forest. Let us view it this way; the awesomeness of the forest makes for the appreciation of the wonders of nature, and is probably a clue. The same word in another Hebraic context means “LOVE”. The place where human love began was in the Garden-forest of Eden. The Garden of Eden was a shred and forest like garden, calm and cool. “Akai” in Hebrew meaning love, is simply traced to the fact that the shred and forest-like garden called EDEN was a place where love could thrive. 

The public should also take note that in the school of power, and the spiritual realm, every place, race and terrain on Earth can also vibrate at the frequency sequel to its root, and that it is not in the power of anyone, no matter how rich and globally famed the person may be, to choose his or her ancestors because no one can remove the ancient landmark as the Bible seals and upholds. 

According to Nadir (1975) Annang ancient religious practices owes its root to the Jewish culture which includes their traditional sacrifice of animals (rituals) by the presiding male of each village for purification, especially during times of sickness. 

European Missionaries arriving Nigeria in the early 15th century called their religious practice “traditional religion” and identified these practices and heritage with that of the Jews. I wish to intimate readers globally that unknown to many is also the fact that in the course of slave-trade, our sons and daughters also moved to many places of which we are very much aware of Haiti, Zaire, Portugal, Sierra-Leone, Britain, Swahili, Ghana, Cuba, and some European nations and other western settlements. For example, in Cuba, there is what is known as Egbo-festival; and this festival began with our descendants who moved to settle there, as they remembered our Ekpo-festival. In Ghana, we have people speaking a dialect that is traced down here, as the bear names which are similar with our names. Aside from different versions of oral history, our relics have also contributed immensely to the ASHANTI-Kingdom of Ghana. A research into linguistic-affinity reveals that probably the name “ASHANTI” may have also been derived or probably stem from our word ASHIAN-NTI. Ashian or Asian in our dialect means pride, and the word “Nti” is our word which gave birth to our Ibibio title “NTI-SONG”. Our link with Ghana can easily be traced and excavated both in words, names, dialects, food-affinity, etc. Other details are underway. A great historian, The late Professor Ikitde had it that the word “Calypso” which is a renown pattern of Music that we thought of as being of a foreign origin was gotten from our word “Kakiso”. Our word “Kakiso” means to move forward, keep-moving or to continue, and when this brand of music is played, lovers of this brand of music may likely be tempted to demand for more. I am convinced that this is traced to be in connection with slave-trade in which as our people moved away, they left with the memories of our language, tradition and culture. 

Akan in our dialect means victor in English language but is also of the Hebrew origin; with its Hebrew Achan. Moreover, the name is of the masculine stock with the Hebrew meaning “One who troubles”. The name Attai is of the Hebraic trace and in Hebrew “Attai” means “Opportune, timely or fit”. Attai was the son of Ahlai and Jarha, and Grandson of Sheshan “The Jerahmeelite” He was the son of the tribe of Judah. Another Attai was one of the lion-faced warriors of Gath who joined David’s Army. Another Attai was said to be the name of the second son of the King Rehoboam of Judah born by Maachah, the daughter of Abraham. Ist Chron. 2:35, 36. Ist Chron. 12:11, 2nd Chron. 11:20. Bearers of the name were heroic and strong Hebrews.

Till the advent of oil-boom in AKWA IBOM STATE, which as Canaan (the promised-land) that was filled with milk and honey as appropriated in the state’ oil boom, it should be noted that farming and craft was our ancient core source of livelihood, and Israel as a nation is not found wanting in matters of advanced farming and even in the scientific aspect of craft and technology. Are you not surprised that long before the advent of a religion like Christianity, 7 days Sabbath was in practice; and 8 days Sabbath as special Sabbath (Etaha) in our Ibibio was a very sensitive part of our tradition. We also had in practice 7 months Sabbath as “Usoro nnuk Enin” which in Israel is what is called Feast of the trumpets. The word “Iddo” is of Hebrew origin meaning timely; in Annang, it connotes behavior, meaning that when things are timely-done, it is orderly and makes for a good behavior. The ancient phenomenon of shadow-reading used in telling time was a Jewish culture that our ancestors upheld; see (Isaiah 38:6-8).

Let us look at the name Ika as in Ika-Annang. Research into the root of the name still points to Hebrew root. Ika aviv is an Israeli name, though the word Ika in Sweden is an abbreviation of the name Erika which means ruler, goddess, powerful, etc but then, there were many born in Jerusalem with that name even as at 1972, we had a man named Chef Ika Zaken that was born in Jerusalem. 

This other example has it that in Genesis 41:51 Joseph had his first born and may have thought that God had ended it with his firstborn “Manasseh”. The name Manasseh in Hebrew means that “God had made me to forget all my hardship in my father’s house..” but to confirm Joseph’s blessing, God had to double it giving him another son “Ephraim”. 

In Annang-dialect, the word “Manasseh” means “look at it again” or “look again”. God was indirectly also fore-telling Joseph in the dialect of a future descendant of a Jewish race, when saying “Manasseh” – “Look at it again, for another child/seed cometh forth” Manasseh which in Annang-dialect mean “Look at it again” or “Look again” was also a prophetic word of caution to Joseph concerning the future identity and what will become of the people of Manasseh. This was seen as God preferred Ephraim to Manasseh when Jacob (Israel) the father of Joseph placed his right hand over Ephraim.

And thus, it is in record that Manasseh caused Judah to err.
Moreover, in Annang-land, the ancient practice of a married woman whose husband has died (a widow) to choose a male from the family of her late husband for the sake of care, pro-creation and maintaining the late husband’s lineage was purely a Jewish culture that was upheld.

As I have already said, that For those of you who have long wondered on the origin of the lost language called Nsibidi (Nchibiddi) of which no Chinese speaker that is buoyant even in the Latin-alphabet may be able to read; again “here is the answer” Nchibidi is of the Shemitic-root. Shem was the son of Noah that gave birth to the Hebrew race. Moreover, we have often heard of the phrase “Okop-Usem” which in Annang is Okop-Ushem. This word Ushem or Usem is of the Shemitic etymology.

The Hebrew word (ish) a fire and (esh) is a threat alarm raised against a crying child whose cry is disturbing much; and take note that fire is an instrument of threat. 

In Hebrew, the word “ Ekhad” meaning “one” has the similitude of Annang-Ibibio word “keed” or “Kiet” meaning “One”.
The word “Almah” or “Amaa” is a Hebrew name. In Annang-dialect “Amah” means “My friend” “My beloved” or “My lovely One”.

The name “Abbot” is a Hebrew name meaning “Father” and in Annang-dialect refers to “Nature, the order of existence”.

The name “Abba” in Hebrew still refers to “Father” and in Annang-Ibibio, God is referred to “Abasi” or Abba-nsi-nsi”. The Hebrew word “Giddem” is the word that gave birth to our word “Ndem” and “Idem”.

 The word “Obio” is also an age-long corruption of the name “Hebrew”. Don’t also forget that the concept of the Judeo-Christian cum Hebraic understanding of the triune God, which is “God the father”, “God the Son” and “God the Holy Spirit” reflected in our ancient traditional religious and cultural structure as “Abasi Ukod”, “Abasi Eyeyen” and “Abasi Iman”. Take note that the word “Iman” which is the short-form of the word “Immanuel” was already known to us, but that the word got corrupted to mean something else over-here. The word still had traces to the word “Immanuel” in that we still up-held that there is what we know as the God of Iman which was our (Abasi-Iman) like (Abasi-Eyeyen) and (Abasi-Ukod). How comes we have the name of a village in Uyo local government area that is called “Ekom-Iman” which means “Let us thank Iman” or “our native tree called Ekom that belongs to Iman” but the name also happens to be the name of a deity residing in tree and a small-forest and swamp-like terrain? Sons and daughters of Jacob, can you catch the photo? What else do you want to hear! Our link with Israel is what I refer to in foot-ball language as a free-kick.  The whole state is but of one family, what we see today is a matter of dialectical differences. Oron, Eket, Uruan, and others are our brothers and should all be treated fairly. Also read the works of E. N. Amaku, etc.

In readiness to undo the unproven version of Annang-Egyptian version which former Governor Senator Godswill Akpabio used in showing his eczema infected tongue before the world. The pieces of evidence providing for our affinity and root in Israel are too many in our revelators bank, and can be vividly traced from the terrestrial sources, and even seen and confirmed in the astral-libraries of which former Governor Senator Akpabio is not privy, as we remain the products of the super-humans who flock into the Earth plane once in a lifetime. My advice to Senator Godswill Akpabio is that when it comes to issues pertaining to the color “Green” let him leave it for the orange tree and take a bow. 

For those of you who have been thinking that the fight overtime has been between Annang and Ibibio, “this is very untrue, absurd and fallacious to the brim as we are one” rather what you saw was a portraiture of a bad and despotic leader who went insane against humanity. ANNANG people are not bad, neither are the people of other sub-tribes of Ibibios. A bad and an evil ruler can also come from anywhere and misrepresent his people in a way that makes for an unspeakable debauchree. I know that the former Governor Senator Akpabio was indeed an apology in matters of governance and peace, but I plead with the entire state to know that history is an adhesive, a gum, a clip-pin and a stapler from God, as blood is sticker than water; and to this effect, anyone who seeks to embark on revenging the evil of former Governor Akpabio’s toxic administration on Annang-people, should please remember history that we are one. It is just that I have been telling people that the Egyptian minded blood in our midst are the predators, (the Alien-spices). Anyone who hurts another or kills another in the name Annang versus Ibibio is simply fighting and killing his own blood.  Annang is Ibibio. “Never fight in the dark” it is ignorance. Annang people have the full right to also lead and become members of Mboho Mkparawa Ibibio, Ibibio Elders Forum, and any thing that portrays the name Ibibio because Annang people were frontiers, pioneers, the Judah, and the Army-tribe of other sub-tribes of Ibibios. More so, there is a deity in my village (Ikot Obiosan) that is called “Akan-anwan-Ibekwe” which some western metaphysicians and mystics confide is a mysterious manifestation of divinity in Africa, which is said to have powered a certain woman of blessed memory in this state to fight and prevail in the Aba-women-riot of November–December 1929. 

The name of the deity, “Akan-Anwan Ibekwe” also has it that the name IBEKWE is a community in Ikot-Abasi local government area. Ibibio is our thing, and the attempt to monopolize the name and make us aliens of our heritage would never be accepted as such claims in a legal-suit will be so much to be paid on the side of those who seek to perpetrate and promote the division. Don’t bother to write a rejoinder to contest against this because this amounts to a deprivation of our fundamental human rights, historically, politically, economically, security wise and so on. Unity will always win the course. It is just that it is on record that in commissioning the new international but fraudulently built stadium, the former Governor Senator Godswill Akpabio by reason of such an erroneous, fallacious, and sacrilegious path of history had been the first to commit a foul on the very pitch he came to commission. 

What an insult against our ancestry and their history; what a blow against the order of creation, what a missile to wound our identity and historical reputation. You can imagine such a rash of sleaze from an unlicensed part of his tongue in spreading such a ballistic wild and gaseous mind-numbing lethargy in an uncontrolled frequency along with his day light non-commercial pride. Former Governor Akpabio cannot phantom our pedigree for goodness sake because it is never incumbent on anyone to determine his fore-bears.

His action was a replicated version of those who go round in the name of prayers backed with non-canonical spells and clear bushes and shreds that housed shrines thinking that spirits and deities are destroyed, without knowing that they are deceiving themselves, as true deliverance is purely salvational, backed with the undiluted flame from on high and high-educational cravings to sustain the light of the mind for a high dimension of reasoning, rather than running away after a one day drama that aggravates the anger of the spirits, and deities, and thereby heaping the consequences on the heads of innocent people in the environment and the neighborhood.

Though the Jewish stock don’t swallow rubbish, but then let me also alert, that it is not just enough for us to know our root as being Jewish, but for us all to en-massly turn to God, discipline ourselves and seed-back the land to Jehovah Elohim, by shunning all sort of vices, greed, corruption, pre-judice, hatred, killings and whatever can attract the anger of God because in history, the portent dangers of being a Jewish blood is that God’s anger against his people was at times worse than the treatment and penalty mated against the worst heathen criminal, to the point that one would think that God hates his own, because to whom much is given, grace-wise and covenant-wise, much is expected. 

Nobody should join the former Governor Senator Godswill Akpabio’s drama, and gang up against the Jewish history and order, as this could fore-tell a very implicating and symbolic danger with what will happen during the battle of Armageddon at the second coming of Christ, when even Queen Elizabeth or her predecessors and other world powers who are wise will in totality surrender to the Lordship of the King of Nazareth “the seed of our father, ABRAHAM” who was meant to be the last and lasting King on the throne of King David. Proves of our link and ancestry being Jewish are too numerous to be mentioned. “Words, names, pronounciation, meaning, practices, etc” were gradually getting lost from originality in the course of their migration and sojourning as the moved down here over centuries and years in history.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Low self esteem is a disease. Is it that the Annang or Ibibio can not exist on their own? This Jewish to me is stalk. Igbo's also claimed that they are Jewish descent.
      So what's the relationship between the origin of the Igbos and the Annang-Ibibios?

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Greetings, Rev. Iyiet Edidiong Umoh! I truly appreciate your brilliant write-up, complete with easily verifiable facts. Most of our people are ignorant of the Jewish roots of the Ibibio. And why do I say Ibibio? Well, it's because Annang, Efik, Oron, Central Ibibio, Eket, Uruan, etc. are all Ibibios. We are one and the same regardless of geographical placements. It's true that the IbibioS were the original occupants of Arochukwu. The primary deity of Arochukwu----the Long Juju---originally belonged to the Ibibio. After the loss of Arochukwu (Ibom or Mbot Abasi), it was the Ibibio priests who remained to pass on secrets of the great shrine to the new occupants. Yes, the Annang branch of the Ibibio were the custodians of the shrine. They were gallant soldiers, too. Itu and Ikot Ekpene are just a stone-throw from Arochukwu, aren't they? Please read "Ibibio Civilization of Arochukwu" online. The Igbo are linguistically more related to the Yorubas. I believe their split occurred sometime in remote antiquity. The Igbos have a 4-day week and so do the Yorubas. The Ibibios have an 8-day week, however. Also, the holiest place in Igboland is Arochukwu, but were the originators of the Arochukwu's religious glory? The Ibibios, of course. Nsibidi (Nchibbidi) is an Ibibio word, isn't it? People say the Ejagham people (cultural relatives of the Ibibio) are the originators of Nsibidi, but why is the script's primary language Ibibio? My family is from the Nsit-Uyo area of Akwa Ibom and our folks play Ekpe, but you've got individuals out there who are hell-bent on forwarding false claims that Ekpe is absent from Ibibioland, including the Annang homeland. It's crazy! My father was the first person to point out our Jewish roots to me when I was a young boy growing up in Lagos. He pointed out to me the closeness of Ibibio traditions with those of the Jews. In fact, if you take a close look at our ways of life;our traditions, you'll clearly see that we're really Jews. Most of our folks are Christians today, but our traditions, for the most part, are essentially Jewish. It's also very interesting to note that the vast majority of Igbo Jews appear to be from the Arochukwu area of Abia State. Why is that so? Anyway, please contact me on Facebook and let's stay in touch. Again, thank you for this wonderful submission. Cheers.

    5. this is a feel good story and has no historical basis most of the meanings of the words purportedly from isreal are from efik language and ikot is efik bush and akai for forest or akai ikot.

      efiks are not ibibio and there is only one reference to an efik woman married to obong uruan ekpo nkanta but she also had cousins who were alive at the time and founders of other efik settlements. she had offsprings for the obong uruan which is not to say that her children founded efik. Efik was existence before she married the obong uruan.

      second, efik has never spoken the ibibio or ibo language and they settled in ibo and uruan which is a testimony of the uniqueness of their language from the rest. It is safe to say that annang and ibibio and ibo are bantu people and the claim of their migration from isreal is laughable.

      please have some self pride and embrace your identity.

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  5. Greetings, Rev. Iyiet Edidiong Umoh! I truly appreciate your brilliant write-up, complete with easily verifiable facts. Most of our people are ignorant of the Jewish roots of the Ibibio. And why do I say Ibibio? Well, it's because Annang, Efik, Oron, Central Ibibio, Eket, Uruan, etc. are all Ibibios. We are one and the same regardless of geographical placements. It's true that the IbibioS were the original occupants of Arochukwu. The primary deity of Arochukwu----the Long Juju---originally belonged to the Ibibio. After the loss of Arochukwu (Ibom or Mbot Abasi), it was the Ibibio priests who remained to pass on secrets of the great shrine to the new occupants. Yes, the Annang branch of the Ibibio were the custodians of the shrine. They were gallant soldiers, too. Itu and Ikot Ekpene are just a stone-throw from Arochukwu, aren't they? Please read "Ibibio Civilization of Arochukwu" online. The Igbo are linguistically more related to the Yorubas. I believe their split occurred sometime in remote antiquity. The Igbos have a 4-day week and so do the Yorubas. The Ibibios have an 8-day week, however. Also, the holiest place in Igboland is Arochukwu, but who were the originators of the Arochukwu's religious glory? The Ibibios, of course. Nsibidi (Nchibbidi) is an Ibibio word, isn't it? People say the Ejagham people (cultural relatives of the Ibibio) are the originators of Nsibidi, but why is the script's primary language Ibibio? My family is from the Nsit-Uyo area of Akwa Ibom and our folks play Ekpe, but you've got individuals out there who are hell-bent on forwarding false claims that Ekpe is absent from Ibibioland, including the Annang homeland. It's crazy! My father was the first person to point out our Jewish roots to me when I was a young boy growing up in Lagos. He pointed out to me the closeness of Ibibio traditions with those of the Jews. In fact, if you take a close look at our ways of life;our traditions, you'll clearly see that we're really Jews. Most of our folks are Christians today, but our traditions, for the most part, are essentially Jewish. It's also very interesting to note that the vast majority of Igbo Jews appear to be from the Arochukwu area of Abia State. Why is that so? Anyway, please contact me on Facebook and let's stay in touch. Again, thank you for this wonderful submission. Cheers.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Greetings, Rev. Iyiet Edidiong Umoh! I truly appreciate your brilliant write-up, complete with easily verifiable facts. Most of our people are ignorant of the Jewish roots of the Ibibio. And why do I say Ibibio? Well, it's because Annang, Efik, Oron, Central Ibibio, Eket, Uruan, etc. are all Ibibios. We are one and the same regardless of geographical placements. It's true that the IbibioS were the original occupants of Arochukwu. The primary deity of Arochukwu----the Long Juju---originally belonged to the Ibibio. After the loss of Arochukwu (Ibom or Mbot Abasi), it was the Ibibio priests who remained to pass on secrets of the great shrine to the new occupants. Yes, the Annang branch of the Ibibio were the custodians of the shrine. They were gallant soldiers, too. Itu and Ikot Ekpene are just a stone-throw from Arochukwu, aren't they? Please read "Ibibio Civilization of Arochukwu" online. The Igbo are linguistically more related to the Yorubas. I believe their split occurred sometime in remote antiquity. The Igbos have a 4-day week and so do the Yorubas. The Ibibios have an 8-day week, however. Also, the holiest place in Igboland is Arochukwu, but who were the originators of the Arochukwu's religious glory? The Ibibios, of course. Nsibidi (Nchibbidi) is an Ibibio word, isn't it? People say the Ejagham people (cultural relatives of the Ibibio) are the originators of Nsibidi, but why is the script's primary language Ibibio? My family is from the Nsit-Uyo area of Akwa Ibom and our folks play Ekpe, but you've got individuals out there who are hell-bent on forwarding false claims that Ekpe is absent from Ibibioland, including the Annang homeland. It's crazy! My father was the first person to point out our Jewish roots to me when I was a young boy growing up in Lagos. He pointed out to me the closeness of Ibibio traditions with those of the Jews. In fact, if you take a close look at our ways of life;our traditions, you'll clearly see that we're really Jews. Most of our folks are Christians today, but our traditions, for the most part, are essentially Jewish. It's also very interesting to note that the vast majority of Igbo Jews appear to be from the Arochukwu area of Abia State. Why is that so? Anyway, please contact me on Facebook and let's stay in touch. Again, thank you for this wonderful submission. Cheers.

  8. The Ibibio say enyin for eye. The Hebrew word for eye is enyin. ibio say Ikot for bush. The Hebrew word for thorn or thornbush is kotz (qotz). Read more: Strong's Hebrew: 6975. קוֹץ (qots) -- a thorn, thornbush - Bible Hub
    Bible Hub
    Original Word: קוֹץ ... I. קוֺץ noun masculineEzekiel 28:24 thornbush, thorn; — absolute ׳ק Genesis 3:18 +; plural קֹצִים Exodus 22:5 ... קוצי קוצים קוצים׃ קצים kə·qō·wṣ keKotz kəqōwṣ Kotz koTzei koTzim qō·ṣîm qō·w·ṣê qō·w·ṣîm qō·wṣ qōṣîm ...

  9. The Ibibio say enyin for eye. The Hebrew word for eye is enyin. ibio say Ikot for bush. The Hebrew word for thorn or thornbush is kotz (qotz). Read more: Strong's Hebrew: 6975. קוֹץ (qots) -- a thorn, thornbush - Bible Hub
    Bible Hub
    Original Word: קוֹץ ... I. קוֺץ noun masculineEzekiel 28:24 thornbush, thorn; — absolute ׳ק Genesis 3:18 +; plural קֹצִים Exodus 22:5 ... קוצי קוצים קוצים׃ קצים kə·qō·wṣ keKotz kəqōwṣ Kotz koTzei koTzim qō·ṣîm qō·w·ṣê qō·w·ṣîm qō·wṣ qōṣîm ...

  10. The problem we r having 2day is our elders or leaders r not telling us (d younger generation) d truth, get more facts but not wit 21st century photograph bcos my children will 1 day read dis, I really appreciate your effort but it's not enough.

  11. Rather than do real research, you are back at the politics of amalgamation. Our history did not start in 1923 with the Ibibio State Union, get over it!

  12. In a postmodern world, identity conveys to individuals and to others how they see the world. Individuals, by this understanding are products of their culture and history. So if the Annangs do not want to be referred to as Annang-Ibibio, do not insists that they be referred to this way simply because the Nigerian military created a state called Akwa Ibom in 1987. It is offensive for the Annang to be called what they are not. Learn to live and let live and stop trying to make yourself better by putting others down. Uyo used to be a part of Ikot Ekpene, but you will never hear us refer to the Ibibios as Annang. Stop this pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Enough is enough!


  14. There is no Abasi in the Bible

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
