
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Terrible to man is the unknown


Akwa Ibom clamorers-for-change, when you are excited, wait! Do you know what it means by waiting on the Lord, not Satan? Can you be patient till the last? If you believe, like I do, that everything has a time frame and a price tag, don’t give up the fight for good; if you believe that earth has no sorrow that heaven does not feel, then stop that pessimism. Moses or Aaron, it does not matter who will take you to your new world. Cheer up, you will soon be there.

I am writing to give hope to those un-believers who keep bombarding my mailbox with the question “Why did you write IT IS FINISHED”? Sometime ago, I wrote on a king who boasted “There’s no power on earth or in heaven that can put me down from my seat”. Being stuck on oneself is not a good place to be. The lessons that the proud king learnt on self-absorption and from the scriptures are that “He (i.e God) hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted those of low degree”. 

History is awash with places ruled by despots. Ebebighi, awawara, it’s going to happen in your own land and you will be “like those that dream”. Stop believing in “what money cannot do, more money can”. Money can’t do everything. Acknowledge the potency of He that is everything and has everything. It may be Frank (remember that his suit is still alive); it may be Imo, it may be Umana; it may even be Udom, but certainly not the “Udom” un-rightly imposed on our collective intelligence. It may even be me, His Royal Aniefiokness. Anything can happen.

Fellow sufferers, suffer and bear; change is around the corner. Haven’t you already smelt, seen and felt “Change”? Obasanjo has returned his looted funds, Alison Madueke has also. Even Abacha’s loot in Swiss bank is returned. More are coming. Very soon, Akwa Ibom stolen funds, will be returned tutu akpatre ntoi. We will be prosperous indeed. Thanks to Buhari the man that all thieves are afraid of, the man with impeccable scruples who recently read a “riot act” to even his family members warning them that if they break the law, they will face the wrath. Immeasurable thanks to God and His Will (not godswill) for Akwa Ibom. My people, verily I say unto you, with every assurance, the years that the locusts ate are going to be restored. Fear of the unknown? Delete it.

When Gregory Isaac was “sick”, he needed not you nor me, but a “Night Nurse”, to take care of him. Songfully, he announced to the hospital attendants that “There’s a patient by the name of Gregory” who “don’t wanna see no Doc” but “My Night Nurse”. Gregory, of course, was a “sexual patient”. He knew what he wanted or needed, where to get it from, and how to. Follow your heart or mind.

Our politicians are desperados in emergency ward. They are over-ambitious. They have killed, maimed and destroyed. Presidents, Governors, Senators, Chairmen of L.G.As, Councilors, they want to be everything in politics because that is where “Easy cash” flows from. 

Visionless, uncreative, insensitive, insultive, unconscionable, yet they want to steal what rightly belongs to you – your commonwealth. Yet, you are there suffering, smiling and clapping your hands. Selfish and greedy politicians, have I not written about them before? Thieves surrounded by rogues and rogues surrounded by thieves. With sugar-coated tongues, like false prophets, they tell you every nonsense that makes you think of “unforeseen circumstances”. They promise the people a bridge even where there is no river, simply because they want your votes. Speaking from both sides of their mouths they promise our women air-conditioners in their kitchens and our children loans and grants. 

A politician knows how to turn like a worm to make himself popular and happy with the people. He tells you he has answers to all your socio-economic and other problems, yet he acts with brainless blunders. A Nigerian Politician is a smart guy with the eyes of a vulture and the memory of an elephant. He can outsmart even his President and cause his downfall (serves the President right, anyway). The politician (man of many words) shouts with all his might “Power to the People!”. When he shouts “PDP!”, he tells you to answer “Unyek isong” or “saad k’ukpaha”. Nigerian politicians promise to take you to the rainbow’s farthest end, but you won’t find a pot of gold there. Schemers, as greedy as crocodiles! They get into politics not to do good but to do well (you know what I mean). After killing your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, or after kidnapping, they give you some peanuts to shut up your dirty fangs with. You (masses), see how timid, docile and indisciplined you are? Once Nigerian politicians are warmed on government seats, “to be faithful, loyal and honest” are forgotten; they become oppressors, predators, sadists, name them. They feel blessed to punish even you who voted him into power. None of them thinks of your freedom, except their ease and comfort. A politician thrives on sycophancy, propaganda and lies. 

He writes his predecessor’s name in water and his own on marble. As mboppo atoro idem uyai, he sings his own praises and writes his own testimonial. As he got to the exalted position by hook or crook means, he practices hook or crook there. The outgo from the state coffers outweighs the income, and the beneficiaries are only his family and cronies. He “buys” the royal fathers and clergy. He donates to church sumptuously and mount the alter. See who is preaching!.

Nigerian politicians press The Press for opening their can of worms or washing their dirty linen outside. They hate The Press for not allowing their dirts to be swept under the carpet. No freedom of speech or writing, unless you want to die. I remember an old article of mine “Hail! Killer, Those About To Die Salute You!” What is this life, if full of fears and cares? Thumps up, Global Concord, you are freedom-fighters indeed.

I used to ask: If love is blind, why are we so popular? Dear politician, if you think you are loved, popular and accepted by your people, why apply violence to get elected?

My people, my people! (especially you the faithless), fear not for THE UNSEEN HAND hath finished its work. What goes up must come down; what goes around comes around; and whatever is yours, certainly must come to you. All what you are seeing now is a shadow side of reality. Satan offers no free gifts to his followers. We will all get what we deserve. If you are an honest Akwa Ibom person or a Nigerian by extension, stand firm and see the goodness of the Lord. Take the ugly experiences as a stage-show. It was a tragedy, wait for comedy… And the curtain falls.  

Aniefiok Essah – 08020945205

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