
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What you must do before you die


Death is an inevitable factor of life. Whatever way we tend to look at it, we are increasingly close to it with each day that passes by. We are destined to close our eyes someday and never open it to this side of life. We fret over the thought of this especially if we have had the best things of this life. Well, we are option less over this fact so the faster we accept it, the better it helps us understand life better.

A realization of how slim our lives are helps us in building our lives on the right path. It’s not in how long we live our lives but it’s how much our life has impacted on other lives. We live not just for ourselves but also for the benefit of the whole, the world around us.

It is saddening how persons live their lives thinking everything in life is all for their grasp. They choose to trample on other’s rights. They may seem to get away with their acts but they never get away with death.

There are those too who have appreciated a great understanding of the dying phenomenon. These persons understand that someday they will die. They answer the question “what will you be remembered for?” they realize that to answer this question right, they have to begin to act now about that thing they have to be remembered for.

What will you be remembered for? This question goes to you. Imagine you are dead now and you close your eyes and open it at the other side of life to watch your friends, acquaintances, and family. What will they be saying about you? Let’s not limit this to your family only; your neighborhood and beyond. Who will be able to string his life to the benefits you have offered before now?

No one wants to talk about death. Seriously, we tend to think about death when we find ourselves on the hospital bed and pray we don’t get caught up in its wings. The fear of dying is so gruesome that it could leave a gory tale behind. However, it steals in unnoticed and storms out a victor. 

Death’s victory over our human existence can be short-lived only if we do know the real essence for our living. We live to bless, add value, make impact, uplift and promote God’s kind of life on earth. What will count after all on earth is not the posh buildings we live in, neither is it the fancy cars we drive in nor the chains of industries we are able acquire. It is those lives we have helped transform; they are the stars that will speak for us. If you never thought of this, please do. You will be remembered only by what you have done.

It is on record that the best talents are found at the grave, men who would give their best if they had another chance. While you still live, you’ve got a chance to leave your footprints. The sands are still dusty enough and they are yelling at you, c’mon come make your impact.

Those dead heroes you celebrate today once walked on this side of life. The world remembers them because they inflicted their impression on the people at their time and reckoned with history to remember them for their acts of bravery. We read about their stories and wonder how they got to do it. They understood one certain fact that all that matters isn’t their personal benefits but a sacrificial living of their lives for humanity. Most of them might have died as peasants but they left wealth and so much of it behind. These persons left bestseller books, videos, and lots more.

Will you be just another statistic on this side of life that would just come and leave? Will you be a force to be reckoned long after you are gone? It’s time to ponder. Before you die, before all we will know about you will be just your name, you can begin to make your impression. Now is the time.

What is it that you can do to effect some positive change in society? Begin at it now. Look around to find some need you can solve, get at it. Your only chance to do it is now. Tomorrow may just be a story that should have been told.

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