
Thursday, 22 January 2015

Towards the attainment of peace in 2015

Towards the attainment of peace in 2015

Every human being earnestly expects and desires to be at peace with himself, with others, as well as with the community, group, organization, civil societies and the general public. However, a cursory look at the immediate and remote environment reveals that the attainment of the desired peace is somewhat an uphill task. (Nkana, et al).

The reason is that conflicts creeps in uninvited, unexpected and most times, undesired. Most times too, conflict rear its head as a result of man’s conscious manipulation at certain crucial times. This has made conflict an inevitable item in times of election, revenue sharing, allocation of resources, etc where incompatibility of interest always exists.

The Nigerian polity has often been saddled with issues of conflict from time immemorial. Aspirants have often wrestled with themselves to acquire a certain political office and have in turn led bodies, teams, family members and close associates into the fight for power. Subsequently, the nation becomes torn apart with factions of disputers and oppositionists in the business place, neighbourhood, and even in worship places. 

Conflict indeed and disagreement has warmed its way into the fabrics of the Nigerian polity that the need to pledge allegiance to peace in times of election especially becomes inevitable. The tussle for power has become so tense that many have concluded on the fate of the upcoming elections. This perhaps, explains why the leaders at the top-most rung of the political ladder took the oath to maintain peace and tranquillity in the upcoming elections thus, paving the way for others to follow suit in the maintenance of a just order in the society. 

Before now, the government, media, NGOs and other agencies have in one way or the other canvassed for peace in the forthcoming elections and more of such are still in the making. Yet, the question of how to exercise and maintain peace in the midst of boundless number of conflict remains a maze. In the first instance, several sects have been marginalised and denied certain rights in the choice of candidates. In another instance, candidates seeking re-election after having sought the consent of the electorates in the first instance had made unfulfilled promises which have impeded growth and social change in some communities. 

Likewise, some clients and agencies in charge of development projects have found strange desire in misappropriating funds meant for public projects thus, abandoning such projects halfway. Such uncoordinated approaches to change management has often made Nigerians resistant to change and reform programmes which eventually leads to conflict. To this end, the motion for peace will only be moved by those who have been at the fore of ruining it. 

As next month’s elections beckons, the need to exercise peace in the every running of the electoral practice cannot be overemphasised. All hands are to be on deck to ensure that the election as predicted by free thinkers does not make a battlefield of Nigeria. Candidates from different parties should see the election as a game wherein, a winner must emerge and the loser accepts his stand in good faith. As often said, election is not and should never be seen as a do-or-die affair. None should therefore tie his/her destiny to the election outcome. 

The mass media are also required to play their distinct role in peace building. They could publish commentaries and editorials, broadcast jingles and programmes on peace and tranquillity and focus the citizen’s attention on the need to live in harmony for Nigeria to remain in peace. 

Similarly, women and youths have distinct roles to play in this case. Youths in Nigeria can demonstrate their capabilities for conflict resolution and peace building through affirmative action by liberating themselves and other less privileged peers through active planning and organization of conferences for self-edification. As beings full of energy, they are well suited to make necessary changes, innovations and adjustments that often lead to conflicts resolution and peace building; rather than acts that demotes, demoralises, debase and portrays them as vagabonds. Since they are the leaders of the future, they can tune themselves to embrace a peaceful and conflict-free future by readily participating in schemes that reject conflicts and promote peaceful endeavours. 

By recognizing our need for peace in the forthcoming elections and striving for it, we will achieve tranquillity, progress and prosperity come and beyond February 2015, and live life to the fullest.

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