
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

At the opening gates of the New Year


The year 2014 has indeed ended and anxiousness to experience the New  Year is in high gear. Preparations for the break of the New Year’s dawn began in earnest after Christmas. People travelled to celebrate the New year with their loved ones, others who stayed back acquired the modalities needed to celebrate in their houses; the streets are still clad with decorations and the season is still queer; an indication that the celebrations are not over. 

More notable were the end of year/‘cross-over night’ crusades organized by churches for their members and the general interested public where a number of people with no religious record from the inception of the year presented themselves in their numbers to remit their wrongs and seek God’s grace to continue their ways in the New Year. 

Outstanding of all preparations for the New Year is the individual’s resolution which has become a mere facade covering the days and weeks of the year due to peoples’ inability to adhere to the precepts of their resolutions.  

While others have resolved not to keep up with a lifestyle, conduct or attitude in the coming year, many especially the female folks have drained their wardrobe and jewellery boxes in readiness for newer ones which as a matter of fact must be more expensive and qualitative than the former ones. Others have vowed to get married this year at all cost, some have planned to ‘play’ more and even the married folks have also pledged to live life to the fullest. 

In similitude, the male folks are also set for the Year. Some bachelors are quitting the race, others have just ventured into it with some tangible amount of money at hand, and are ready to give it a wild chase; some are set for honest businesses while a host of others are prepared for dubious and illegal practices. 

These and more resolutions for the Year have either been listed out or imprinted in the minds of people, and strategies are also being mapped-out to ensure it implementation. Then came the New Year; as normal as other days, as indifferent as the breeze and as sullen as the graveyard. 

Indeed, apart from the numerical change in the Year’s title, that is, 2012, 2013, 2014; nothing else changes. We still have the same January to December, the same 365 days; same seasonal changes, planting seasons etc, and more factual is the struggle that must continue. It has often been said that man shall not live by bread alone but by that which proceeds from the mouth of God. Struggle therefore, is not excluded since we are told that one who does no work should eat no food. 

Asides God, what has kept and will continue keeping people comfortable and relaxed is the proceeds of their sweat. That one can sing the New Year with bags of rice and chicken in the store is because there was a labour for it somewhere sometime ago. Else, a stroll to homes where hardwork is downplayed will explicitly describe the colour of hunger at a time as this. So as we proceed into the year, the need to be prepared for another 365 days of struggle cannot be over emphasised. We should prepare for the unknown and expect the anonymous. 

Though this may sound awkward, it is better to be prepared for eventualities than to be taken unawares. Depending on how we respond to it, experiences are meant to either harden or weaken us. And after you must have laboured for a while, expect something new and positive as well. 

To be strong enough for this year’s challenges, it is expedient and imperative that weights and drawbacks of the previous year be put behind. People who have lost some contracts, a loved one, a huge amount of money, a job or a school admission in the last year may find it difficult to move on in the New Year hence, the advice. Rather than wallowing in the pains of failure; self-examination could be carried out to discover the causes of the stagnation and possible steps on improvement should follow. This way, lukewarmness and procrastination will be killed. 

Also, let us lay aside things that are capable of retarding our growth and draining our energy unnecessarily. Be it a nagging parent, a spouse or a relationship that has refused to work out. 

In addition to our resolutions, we should be determined to make things work. Having a positive attitude is also required to make things work out just fine. A positive attitude encompasses the gamut of life’s experiences. It is believing in good times in a bad time and showing gratitude for what one has instead of lamenting over what is amiss. A positive attitude fuels us to keep moving, keep doing and keep trying to find beauty in life, and individuals with such attitude have and maintain a lifestyle that continues to draw people to them.
On the contrary, a negative attitude is one that sees the odd in virtually everything. Though triggered by depression, pessimism or health-threatening activities like smoking, addiction to drugs and hard drinks etc, it is like a soured soup that causes the facial muscles to frown at the taste of it. 

Whereas the optimists accepts whatever comes their way in good faith, the pessimists is situation-inclined. They believe they are the only ones whose fate nature has mis-planned and no remedy can be made to correct whatever difficulty they are encountering. 

Good attitude do not only help us face the challenges of living but that of dying as well. People who face end of life issues with acceptance and positive mental attitude can make those around them comfortable with death and this is truly a gift to those who care for the dying.

People should therefore put away ill attitudes and learn to see the bright side of events and circumstances. Just as it is often said that life is full of ups and downs, people should learn to enjoy the ups of life and endure the downs. This way, there will be no heart seizure, high blood pressure, stroke and other illnesses associated with negative thinking and attitudes. 

As we strife to make the year a graceful one, we can only hope that God crowns our aspirations and efforts with success. Happy New Year! 

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