
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

2015 and the Joseph in Akwa Ibom

 2015 and the Joseph in Akwa Ibom

Joseph was a visionary man, a dreamer and inter preter of dreams, a man in whom the spirit of God dwell with always. His protection was his unwavering faith in God, his life demonstrate how God is faithful and committed in bring to pass his divined destiny in men.

He was not loved by his brethren because of the leadership destiny God placed in his hands, he dreamed on how his brethren’s sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to his sheaf and the one that the sun, moon, and the eleven stars made obeisance to him compounded his hatred since they saw that he was destined to become a leader over them.

As a visionary man, a dreamer and interpreter of dreams, God took him to where he was needed most so that he could bring to pass the leadership destiny in Joseph. After interpreting the dream which troubled the king so much to his satisfaction which magicians could not, he was made to oversee the land, and by his word were the people ruled.

In appreciation, the king took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph’s hand, and arrayed him in the vesture of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck; And he made him to ride in the chariot which he had; and they cried before him, bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all the land.

Permit me to say here that with all the travails Joseph went throughcoupled with the rejection by his brethren made him stronger, these also challenged God to manifest his power by confounding the wisdom of the wise. These are evidence that God is very great in the affairs of men especially when it comes to leadership.

Like the king, the Governor of Akwa Ibom state, Chief Godswill Akpabio who had a dream of a greater Akwa Ibom state that will be the best in everything including industrialization had invited magicians who could help interpret his dream by way of appointment of certain individuals into key positions in his cabinet. But instead of them interpreting the Governor’s dream and translate same into realities, they were busy seeking their glory and how to succeed the governor, until the governor found a visionary man and interpreter dreams like Joseph in Udom G. Emmanuel who has come to interpret the industrialization dream of Governor Akpabio within a short period of time. This is evidence in the industries currently under construction in Akwa Ibom, just like he did while in Zenith bank.

Like it happened to Joseph, this singular act of love from the governor which Udom Emmanuel has earned for himself coupled with his divined destiny for leadership he had with God, this has made his brethren in Akwa Ibom state hate him. Because their sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to Udom’s sheaf, and the sun, moon, and the eleven stars that also made obeisance to him compounded his hatred since they saw that he was destined to become a leader and governor at this time.

Joseph was rejected by his brethren and sold out, but that did not stop him from becoming the King and Governor over his people. The King did not pull off his ring to the magicians who could not interpret his dream; he gave it to Joseph who rendered a perfect interpretation of the dream to the satisfaction of the King. Why then should people jealous that the Governor wants to take off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Udom’s hand? He deserved it in all ramifications being a reward for interpreting the Governor’s industrialization dream to be arrayed in vestures of fine linen by making him the leader over Akwa Ibom state come 2015, and made him to ride in the chariot which he had; and govern Akwa Abasi Ibom state because the governor; having worked with all these aspirants opposing Udom Emmanuel, he has seen that there is none so discreet and wise as Udom Emmanuel.

Reflecting on thisstory and circumstance that led to Joseph becoming a King confirmedthe saying of Jesus Christ that the stone which was rejected, the same is become the head of the corner which is the lord’s doing, and it is marvellous to the eye.Why then some sponsored media scavengers are making big headlines that Udom is rejected? From the time of old, God uses simple things to confound the wise, and proved to the world that he ruled and governed the affairs of men by making the stone that was rejected and despised by the builders to be the Chief corner stone which is the head.

The various media propaganda of rejection and other falsehood and blackmails against Mr Udom Emmanuel are for a purpose of making him the Governor, but even the hired propaganda machines that spread the falsehood and blackmails do not know that they are helping or challenging God to manifest his divined destiny of leadership he had with Udom Emmanuel. This is why the 2015 governorship election in Akwa Ibom state centres around Udom Emmanuel who has found grace and favour in the sight of God.

Some people’s actions and inactions about 2015 governorship election in Akwa Ibom state are not new in leadership. They are things that must happen since they are normal phenomenon in leadership. In fact, a good leader must first be rejected since a lot of people are driven by sentiment and enticement while making decisions, and because they cannot comprehend that divined arrangement of God, they are bound to oppose every good thing. God has clearly stated in his holy book that there must be an opposition in all things. Among all renowned leaders in the world, who that was not rejected or opposed?

Even the greatest leader of all human races that ever walked on this earth, our saviour Jesus Christ was rejected by the Jewish delegates. When Pilate asked between Jesus the Christ and Barabbas whom the people want; Jesus Christ was rejected, Barabbas the criminal was chosen instead of Christ. It is important to note here that, it was the so called Elders in the mould of those against Udom Emmanuel today who persuaded the people that they should ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus like what is going on in Akwa Ibom state today.

Little wonder why the Governor, Chief Godswil lAkpabio challenged youths in Akwa Ibom state to rise up and protect their future by resisting every attempt to be used by the so called Elders whose sentimenthas be crowded their sense of reasoning and thinking, and cannot see that Udom Emmanuel is the saviour sent by God to give Akwa Ibom state total industrialization and make it the economic hub of Africa.

Undoubtedly, Udom has become the much talk about aspirant for the governorship seat in Akwa Ibom state because he is the man to beat on November 29 governorship primaries in the state. He is paying the leadership price, while others walk freely because they have nothing to do with the 2015 governorship apart from pretending.

When Joseph became the governor, his major concern was not how to payback his brethren their evil, rather he showed love and compassion to them even in the midst of famine, he gave them food and shown kindness, reconciled with his brethren and lived with them in peace and love. This will be one of the cardinal focuses in the developmental agenda of Mr Udom Emmanuel as he plans to run an all-inclusive government that all Akwa Ibomites will be involved, all warring factions will certainly be reconcile and bring everybody together under one umbrella to show that Udom is a true symbol of unity.

Others are seeking to become governor so that they can unleash their vengeance where there is no offence, they will instead of concentrating on the development of the state; they will be busy chasing the shadow of the predecessor looking for fault to revenge their anger and pay him back in bad coins. This is not the type of Governor AkwaIbom want, this state needs a governor in the mould of Udom Emmanuel who knows the problem and has the solution to our Industrialization problem.

What people must understand is that most of the people who are coming out to contest the 2015 governorship have worked with the Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio for many years who assessed them and knows their capacities and competence, but he has refused them by presenting Mr Udom G. Emmanuel to Akwa Ibom people as the way forward for 2015 governorship; who are we to say no?

People should not forget that there is no leadership on earth that was made on earth, they are fulfilment of God’s divined foreordination and destiny which cannot be destroy by any human, that was why God told Jeremiah that before he was formed in his mother’s belly, he knew him and ordained him a Prophet unto the nations. This was why Samuel was chosen instead of his senior brethren to show that is not by seniority but by divined ordination, that was why God loved Jacob and hated Esau to show that leadership a divined arrangement not cultism popularity.

In-spit being blind, Jacob twisted his hands to place the right hand on Ephraim instead of left hand that was the younger and placed the left hand on Manasseh’s head instead of right hand being the senior because he was led by the spirit of God. Displeased by the action of his father, Joseph tried to change his father’s hand, and the father refused to change saying that he knew what he was doing. Truly, Governor Akpabio like Jacob knows what he is doing being led by the spirit of God to twist his hands from some people to bless Udom Emmanuel.

Whilein Zenith Bank, his masters saw that the lord was with him, and that God made all that he did to prosper in his hand. And he found grace in the sight of his masters, and he served them: and theymade him overseer over all investments and assets of the bank.

And the lord blessed Zenith bank to be the biggest private financial institution in Africa for Udom’s sake; and the blessing of the lord was upon all that they had. And Udom was a goodly person, and well favoured by God even in Akwa Ibom state.

Having toiled within and outside the state, serving in many capacities around the world and gained all the needed experiencesthat will help him in the task of governing Akwa Ibom state, it’s now time that God want to manifest that destiny he had with Udom by making  him the governor of Akwa Ibom state come 2015.

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