
Friday, 8 August 2014


Have you felt less valuable because some people have the notion that you can’t get around a task even when you know within yourself that you can? It could be hurting finding yourself in this situation. If you’ve found yourself in this kind of situation, just know you are not a measure of what those persons think or say. You are best the way you rate yourself.

Having a huge sense of self-value is the inertia for the accomplishment of any great task. The believe has to begin with you. The good news is some of the greatest achievers were not highly rated. Most of them were considered worthless. For some who managed to make it through school, the class counted their position from behind. In spite of this, they never accepted the ratings of the people around them. They knew within themselves that they were far more valuable.

The high incidence of suicide is a measure of the number of persons who have accepted the ratings of others ahead of theirs. These persons were blind to their strength. They cheapened to the babblings of others and decided they were not worth living. The world has lost some of the greatest inventors, scientist, designers etc. who would have imparted into our world if only they had refused the ratings others stamped on them.

A study of the top fifty richest men on earth revealed this shocking truth. Seventy percent of them were considered failures, dropouts. The truth is they were wrongly rated. These persons rejected the ratings the academic system had rated them. They might have dropped out of school but their believe never dropped. Their self highly rated brains got to work and today they are highly celebrated.

No one has the right to rate you. Our academic system does not have the capacity to rate your ability. Inside you is much more than man’s capacity can measure. If you are last on the list, that’s only the worst thing that can happen. Your mental capacity can do much more. Brian Tracy, best-selling author and multimillionaire reckons that the measure of our ability is beyond any known system can measure. He wasn’t even an average student but he had a huge self believe and that has being the drive of his success.

You can do more than people think. What people are saying about you isn’t the last. The final say is you. If you tell yourself you can, then you truly can. God has imputed in us the ability to achieve beyond human measure. All you have to do is accept God’s verdict.

What’s God’s verdict? You can do all things through God’s strength. Accept the verdict, believe the verdict, and confess the verdict. Every time you feel cast down by people’s opinion about your capacity, remember you can do all things. Just confess it and you will find yourself in a completely new world of possibilities.

What you can do will surprise you. Often, we accept the limitations of our environment and the people that consist of it. We stay where we are when we should be far ahead. We underrate ourselves. People see us higher than we see ourselves. When we are told how valuable we are, we tend to doubt the truth of this declaration. Thank God someone believes you can do much more. Whatever has made you think less of yourself must get an uppercut. Refuse any debasing declarations.

Rank yourself high up there. You may not seem up there at this moment, but that’s just for now. When you keep believing and confessing your desirable high status, you will get there in a matter of time.
C’mon, friend you can’t stay here too long. You are worth more. You are highly rated

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