
Monday, 7 July 2014

2015: Understanding Udom Emmanuel’s perceptions of governance BY JOSEPH OKON

2015: Understanding Udom Emmanuel’s perceptions of governance BY JOSEPH OKON

Generally, Governance is the concrete activity that reproduces a formal or informal organization. If the organization is a formal one, governance is primarily about what the relevant “governing body” does. If the organization is an informal, governance is primarily about the rules and norms that guide the relevant activity. Basically, governance is the way the rules and actions are produced, sustained, and regulated. It is very clear that governance does not only apply to the running of government alone but where every there is leadership.

Every leadership comes with it approach to governance which explains the person’s perceptions about governance. Though governance means different things to different people base on their perceptions, it is important to really understand individual perceptions of leadership in a particular capacity.

For the Secretary to AkwaIbom State Government, Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, governance is all about people since it has a lot to do with government and leadership. His unique approach of putting the people first especially the poor and less privileged ones in the society stands him out from the crowed power seekers.

He believes that governance must centre on the people and should affect them directly positive through his clear understanding and commitment to the practice of good governance. He is a strong believer in good governance which seeks to improve the socio economic and social wellbeing of the people who are the core focus of his leadership, which in his estimations is the main reason for government.

Udom Emmanuel believes that governance should be participatory, consensus oriented, accountable and transparent to the people, responsive and efficient, equitable and inclusive, and obey the rule of law. And that to achieve the required result and earn public confidence and trust, it should ensure that corruption is minimized, the views of the people on government policies and actions are taken into account and that the voice of the most vulnerable in the society are heard in decision making.

He has demonstrated his dogged commitment and desires to focus on the people especially the down trodden ones in the state when he asked all his admirers and friends to use the money they would have congratulated him on newspapers and other media organizations including fanfare birthday to donate items to the poor and less privileged ones, and also contribute to the free and compulsory education of the state government which will go a long way to touch the less privileged children in the public schools. What a good leadership example to others,this is a clear demonstration of good governance that centres on the people, especially the poor.

Others would have wanted to assemble their arsenals of friends and connections both politically and socially especially as the 2015 general elections gathers the heat in the state, but the SSG simply dedicated his 48 birthday to the poor and lowly ones in the state who are desperately in need of better lives and good living conditions. Inspite all his achievements and connections in life, Udom Emmanuel has refused to allow his positions and attainments in life to distract him from showing true leadership ability and humane dispositions which he stands for.

To demonstrate his people’s friendly dispositions in governance, Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel has within a short stay in office as SSG restored the lost glory of the Ibom Plaza, a popular relaxation spot in the state that was since abandoned as it became a no go area. As a people’s friendly leader, the SSG understands the plights of the less privileged persons in the state and thought it wise to fix the viewing centre at the Plaza thereby bringing life back to Ibom Plaza which has afforded those who could not buy a television and generating sets the opportunity to watch the ongoing FIFA World Cup without paying any money to do that or get embarrassed in somebody’s house.

As a listening and accessible leader of the people, he submitted himself to the level of the poor masses and felt their pulse and plights by personally leaving the comfort of his house to join his brothers and sisters on the street and watch the FIFA World Cup at Ibom Plaza. What a humane personality. It has never happened since the introduction of arrogances in governance, the governed feels they are more important and superior to those they governwhich is in complete contradiction with the principles of democracy and participatory governance.

This is a demonstration of total humility and true love for the people which is embedded in Udom Emmanuel base on his perceptions in governance which centres on the people. He isa leader that stays with the people and have genuine love and passion for the people of this state whomhe believed deserves the best. When last the less privileged ones in this state had the opportunity to sits with their governor and watch football? I leave that to those who claimed Udom Emmanuel is elitist for them to answer. This is a man who has never and will never feel too important than the ordinary citizens of this state, no matter how low a person maybe, he condescends himself to the person’s level and deal with respect and love that shows human dignity and mutual respect to each other without any element of arrogance or pride in him.

Permit me to say without reservations that Udom Emmanuel will be one Governor who will always be inconstant touch with the people that will form the nucleus of his administration, stay with them and do things together with the people he governs. He knows the importance of being with the people especially the less privileged and deprived ones in the society, which was why he decided to go and stay with the people at Ibom Plaza and watch the FIFA World Cup.

Where then is elitist in Udom Emmanuel? A man who have brought himself so low to the level of commoners accessing him is labelled elitist? Aman whose humility and love for AkwaIbom people is second to none is elitist? A man who dedicated his 48 birthday to the wellbeing and betterment of the poor masses in the state, and directed his friends and admirer to instead of paying for goodwill messages on newspapers and buy gift items for him on his birthday, should rather use such money to buy items and visit the poor and less privileged ones who are in need of help and to support the free and compulsory education of the state is elitist? That cannot be true, this is another set of blackmails and desperate attempt by self-seeking politicians to discourage AkwaIbom people from supporting Udom Emmanuel.

Though some pockets of persons especially those in media may not be comfortable about Udom’s dedication of his 48 birthday to the poor masses in AkwaIbom state for reasons being that they would have make some cash through paid goodwill messages advertorials, they should also understand his approach to governance which is people’s oriented and bear with him though that has not been the practice in AkwaIbom since our politician practice extravagance lifestyle.

Udom Emmanuel can best be defined as a simple, hardworking, resourceful, committed, people oriented, accessible, visionary and pragmatic gentleman. He does not believe in extravagance lifestyle, but he believes in producing results that impacts positively on the masses. It is sad that people sees Udom Emmanuel at a distance and pass judgement on him falsely without getting close to him, To Whom It May Concern, Udom Emmanuel is one of the best people on earth that anybody can work with. He is so simple and down to earth humble, he sees everybody as important like himself. He does not believe in names and positions, but what you can offer.

I dare to ask, all this politicians claiming to be on-ground and knows people’s problems, why did they not fix Ibom Plaza in the last 7 years? At least it would have afforded the less privileged ones the opportunity to watch the last African Cup of Nations.Udom Emmanuel have come to prove that it is not how long but how well. It takes vision and commitment to turn things around even within a short period of time. People like Udom does not need years to transform AkwaIbom and make it a prosperous state but a little time.

Truly, Udom Emmanuel have proved beyond doubt that he was the unseen hand in the much celebrated uncommon transformation of this state through his good transformational ideas even when he was not a member of the state executive council. Today Ibom Plaza is bobbling again with activities, it has regained its lost glory as people troops in every minute to relax and enjoy themselves courtesy of a visionary man who demonstratedpeople’s oriented governance.

As a man who comes from a cooperate private sector to government, he is conscious of the fact that governance at any level requires stewardship and accountability of resource committed to one’s care to accomplish a particular task. It is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources which aim is to align the interests of corporations and society.

With his experience in the private sector and in government, Udom Emmanuel is better placed and positioned with capacity to balance cooperate governance with political or governmental governance, driven by political will to produce the much needed result of industrialization of the entire state which will further open up the state for more investments to come in, and this state will become the industrial hub of Africa considering her abundance natural resources.

It is true that governance and leadership are the yin and the yang of successful organisations. They are necessary companionship that are inseparable connected to each other for a successful administration of government which without both may result into tyranny, fraud, personal fiefdoms,atrophy, bureaucracy, and indifference.      

Like Abraham Lincoln said, “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.” Udom Emmanuel have come to demonstrate that he is the right man and the light for this state come 2015, we must all go for that which is rightand stand firmly with him without being moved by anything.

He may not be the most popular aspirant, but we can make and give him all the popularities he deserves to emerge the next governor of this state come 2015 because we have discovered the light and decided to stand by his sterling leadership qualities.AkwaIbom people owe generations yet unborn a duty to support this promising revolutionist who will transform the socio economic landscape of this state through industrial revolution, and create jobs for the teeming unemployed youths in this state. This will guarantee a brighter future for the children of AkwaIbom State and those yet unborn. This is a duty call on us to think right and act right.

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