
Saturday, 3 May 2014

THE INK NEWSPAPER@ 1: Restating our mission

THE INK NEWSPAPER@ 1: Restating our mission
Since the coming on board of THE INK NEWSPAPER a year ago, the paper has endeavoured to perform its task in the spirit of truthfulness and integrity to fast-track the aspiration of our united and peaceful state. It has set out to expose reasoning matters of public interest within the tenets of the profession with courage, fairness, objectivity and responsibility.

The paper is guided by the principles of factual, balanced, fair and objective reporting. We do this conscious of the fact that these are ethical conducts and the basis of public trust and confidence towards building and sustaining a better and reliable society.

THE INK has indeed been an instrument of enlightenment, permeating all thinking to make the reading public vibrant and active participants in the affairs of the present administration and in issues of public importance. The paper has in so short a period, tried to project the goods of the present administration, in forms varying from advertorials to her editorial contents, reportage, interviews and the likes, to give the government the encouragement it deserves from the media, and has also not also failed to constructively point out red-lights of the administration to enable the government sit-up and go back to the drawing board.

Our aim is to ensure that while we moderate and regulate ourselves through the professional code of ethics according to laid down rules of journalism practice, we ensure that whatever we do is for the interest of the people and the state. This is clearly seen in our reportage of news and our presentation of issues of public interest.

 Our editorial objectives and general content have been devoid of ethnic and tribal consciousness, discrimination and any sort of religious, political, social or institutional favouritism, but rather, encouraging the much-talked about oneness, for the promotion of state, national growth and peace. 

On several occasions, we have been commended for our efforts in integrating the society with the affairs of the government, as well as our commitment which has placed us on the roll of must-read papers in the state. As an attestation to our outstanding contribution to the growth of journalism, we won a legendary award last year from The Brave Academy in collaboration with the state Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the occasion of the Mr. and Miss Akwa Ibom Teen Pageantry competition. 

However, our success story will not be complete without our esteemed readers and contributors who stood and kept faith with us during our trying times. The saying that a friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down has found its way into fulfilment in our journey so far and we deem it fit to express our immeasurable gratitude to all those whose one or two words of advice brought us this far.
In a society filled with contempt and disdain for speakers of the truth as ours, THE INK NEWSPAPER has tried not to be hostile and sensational; influencing and affecting the perception of readers in various ways. As such, our readers have the option of constructive criticisms. We however thank those whose criticisms have kept us on our feet; making us take careful steps and keeping watch at our back.

As we commemorate one year of robust journalism practice with THE INK Newspapers, we hereby reassure the society of our continuous promotion of truth, fairplay and justice. We also promise the government of our partnership while restating that we will not fail to hold the government accountable and responsible to their actions and inactions even as we remain the Defender of Truth.

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