
Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A fine sword to the right man BY EVANGELIST USIENEMFON AKPAKPAN

A fine sword to the right man BY EVANGELIST USIENEMFON AKPAKPAN
It was George Orwell while speaking through the mouth of one of his characters in his epic novel, “The Animal Farm” that posited that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. A renowned writer, William Shakespeare equally opined that some are born great, some attain greatness while some have greatness thrusted at them. And  the  bible captures it in the book of Romans 9:14-15 thus, ‘What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. For he said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion’. The aforestated are factual statements that are true in their entirety. To add to these, I will love to state here that some individuals come into this world and whether by acts of commission or omission, they become bold signature within their generation.     

It is into the above moulds that our great and illustrious son, His Excellency, Chief (Dr.) Godswill Obot Akpabio, CON, the two-term governor of our dear state, Akwa-Ibom can be fitted. He was not only born great into the famous Akpabio’s family, he exhibited clear-cut leadership prowess wherever he found himself  which always translated into him occupying leadership positions, despite all the challenges at his early childhood. Right from his secondary school days to his days in higher institutions, he was always called upon to lead. He was not only a senior school prefect but he was equally, the Speaker Student Union Parliament,  University  of  Calabar,  where  he backed his degree in law. Where ever he went the mantle of leadership on his shoulders could not stop manifesting.

It was this deeply entrenched leadership virtue in him that propelled him to prophetically pronounce to his wife when he got talking with her for the first time that she was looking at the brand new Governor of Itai State, even though the agitation for the creation of that State was still on-going then. But as luck would have it, and based on the fact that a creative force was released into motion, that prophetic pronouncement orchestrated the setting up of a stage that eventually saw Chief Akpabio emerging as the third Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State.  

As a people and as a State, Akwa-Ibom was in dire need of a change from the toga of civil service-oriented State that was moribund in every facet to a State of destination that positive things could happen. Successive administrations came and did their best but yet Akwa-Ibom State was still a land of promise. But the truth was that the people of Akwa-Ibom were still yearning and eagerly waiting for when this promise would  be fulfilled. Many waited anxiously to see the fulfillment and then exited  without seeing its manifestation,  thanks be unto God that the people of Akwa-Ibom United and prayed for God’s will to be done in the State and in 2006, GOD’S WILL was done in the nomination of the flag-bearer of the ruling party, PDP, which resulted in Barr Godswill Obot, Akpabio wining that election on its platform.
 Since then and up till now, Akwa Ibom people have never had it so good. The people have not only seen and experienced fulfillment but have gone on to see, experience and embrace what has been widely acknowledged and accepted as an uncommon transformation in all facet of life.  His advent as the Governor of the State raised the bar of leadership and what responsive governance should be.

 He has not only positioned Akwa-Ibom State as a State of destination amongst the Comity of States in Nigeria, but he has put the State on the World Map. He has not only given every Akwa-Ibom Citizen dignity before other Nigerians but a voice that is respected Internationally.Through his massive and monumental infrastructural renaissance as well as human empowerment, he has showcased Akwa-Ibom Locally, Nationally and Internationally as a State where things are working. The many Local, National and International awards showering upon him attest to the fact that everybody everywhere acknowledges the truth that this is one Governor that has not played politics with whatever he sets out to do. Once he speaks, he backs up what he says with concurrent action- KPAMM. This is why  almost in the twilight of his administration Akwa-Ibom remained one big workshop of activities that are positive, impacting and life changing. Dr. Akpabio’s ability to plan and implement laudable projects, has gone a long way to bury the pessimism about everything that is Nigeria, otherwise known and accepted as ‘‘the Nigerian factor’’. What a pragmatic Leader!, an epitome of good governance. A symbol of hope for a new Nigeria.

 The impacts of the positive changes that Chief Akpabio’s administration has  bequeathed to Akwa-Ibom State are generational because his huge developmental strides will severely cut across several incoming generations. It is no gainsaying that posterity will definitely acknowledge the fact that a man who loved his people very dearly once piloted the affairs of Akwa Ibom State. And in the nearest future we will begin to have acronyms such as AKWA-IBOM ‘B.A’ and AKWA-IBOM ‘A.A’(Akwa-Ibom Before Akpabio and After Akpabio), to define the phase of the administration he presided over.  

When a leader has achieved so much for his people in so little a time as exemplified by Chief Akpabio, and yet he is still very young, vibrant and full of energy and vigour, little wonder then why this man shouldn’t be given a well-done pat on the back and then called upon to take up yet a higher responsibility for his people and his State. This explains why Governor Akpabio is being called and mandated by his people within Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District, including Abak and Ukanafun Federal constituencies to go to the national Assembly and represent them as their distinguished Senator and by extension a distinguished Senator from Akwa Ibom State. Luke 8:16 ‘No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it

with a vessel, or put it under a bed; but setteth it on a candle stick, that they which enter in may see the light.’ An old Annang adage captures it even more succinctly:  ‘the palm-wine tapper would not remove the receptacle while the wine is still very sweet’

 His cerebral intelligence, foresightedness, bravery, achievements, and zeal all combine, to highly recommend him for this higher responsibility to his people.

This writer once met and got talking with a fellow Akwa Ibom citizen at the departure hall of Ibom Int’l airport on his way to Lagos. In the course of the discussion, the issue of our representation at the two National Assemblies came up and the other fellow asked the writer  whether he has ever attended proceedings at any of the Assemblies while in session and witnessed the high level of embarrassment that some of  our  representatives bring on the State as they usually display ESTOIC silent in every discussion on the floor of any of the Chambers illustrating clear evidence of high level incompetence? The fellow concluded by saying that most times he ducks his head in shame and will not disclose that he is from Akwa Ibom State on such occasions. However, he did not fail to give Kudos to Senator Ita Enang, Elder Eseme Eyibio and Hon Robinson  Uwak who have shown erudition in the representations. 

Matters as observed above make it instructive why the people of Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District and the entire people of Akwa Ibom State should not accept to sacrifice competence, courage, intelligence on the altar of  ‘this is our turn’. The Senate is not a place for silent benchwarmers but rather for the eloquent talking achievers since legislation  is a talking business. And as we rightly know, his Excellency,  Chief Akpabio is naturally blessed with great intellectual oration – a lucid orator. It is a man of his caliber and competence that we need on the floor of the Senate to represent our people and the State and do us proud.

For the purpose of emphasis, I will repeat that for the first time that Akwa Ibom State was vocally heard in the legislative house was Barr. Ita Enang’s tenure in the House  of  Representative and now in the Senate. So therefore, it is timely to alert the people of Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District who are still in doubt of chief Godswill Akpabio’s candidature to the Senate that Chief Akpabio is not going to the Senate to represent only Ikot Ekpene senatorial District, but rather, the entire Akwa-Ibom State and as such his candidature is a State PROJECT. He should be given wide and massive support to actualize the mandate. I will like to remind all Akwa-Ibom people that this is a man who is widely respected by other Nigerians because of his achievements for his State. To this end, Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District stands to gain a lot when it is no other than Chief (Dr.) Godswill Obot Akpabio, CON that would emerge as the distinguished Senator representing Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District and Akwa Ibom State come 2015 as he will no doubt be a vocal Senator. At this point in time Akwa-Ibom State needs to stand on the shoulder of this great giant in order to make more meaningful progress in terms of the attraction of Federal presence which has been eluding us over the years.

The world is eagerly waiting to see another era of uncommon and monumental transformation in the upper arm of the National Assemblies through this HERO of  Uncommon Transformation. It can be said and boldly too that a vote for Uko Akwa-Ibom is vote for an Uncommon Transformation in the Legistrative Affairs in Nigeria.

It is delightful at this point to express from my deepest feeling my sincere gratitude to the people of Abak and Ukanafun Federal constituencies that have unanimously declared their esteemed support to the Governor, despite the State PDP zoning arrangement that tends to favour these two Federal Constituencies. Credit would also go to Dr Akpabio for his uprightness in accepting this obvious fact. This is clear evidence of political maturity on both sides and would go along way to strengthen the future of our Senatorial District in particular and Akwa-Ibom State in general.  It is indeed worthy of emulation by all and sundry.

It is no a gainsaying that the world is yearning for the type of leadership that is examplified by Dr Akpabio of Akwa-Ibom State at the highest hierarchy of governance in this great giant of Africa, and the upper chamber saves as an induction ground for other higher position of responsibility in Nigerian. If  the voices of those known and respected for their dogged fearlessness which include the likes of Dr Sunday Mbang, Prof  Wole Soyinka ,Prof  Dora  Akwiwuli,  host of fearless Gospel generals, fellow Governors of various political platforms and Nigerians in diaspora are singing one common song, ‘Dr Akpabio you have done well’, his failure to appear on the floor the Senate will tantamount to covering a lighted candle-stick with a bushel or removal of the receptacle from the palm-wine tree when the sweetness of the wine is still at its best. Let us unite behind our best to advance our collective interest.

Usienemfon Akpakpan is a member of Ati – Annang, Lagos Chapter and also the President and founder, Uruk-Anam Volunteer group
08085828850, 08062359199

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