
Wednesday, 9 April 2014

2015 and the parable of labourers in A’Ibom BY JOSEPH OKON

2015 and the parable of labourers in A’Ibom BY JOSEPH OKON

In the twentieth chapter of the book of Mathew, Jesus Christ likened the kingdom of Heaven to a householder who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard. When he had agreed to pay the labourers a Penny for a day, he sent them into his vineyard to commence work. 

He again, went out about the third hour and saw agile men standing idle in the market place and also enjoined them to work in his vineyard for an undisclosed sum he termed “whatsoever is right”. 

Again, the householder went out about the sixth, ninth and eleventh hour and did the same thing; also promising the same “sum”. 

When it was time for payment, the householder instructed his steward to give each of the workers a Penny; the first employed workers objected this payment on grounds that they are supposed to be paid more than the latter workers because they started work first, having “borne the burden and heat of the day”.  

The employer, in his reply simply answered that the agreement was for them to be paid a Penny which they accepted and not on the grounds of who worked first and for how long. He then made this remarkable clause “is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? Is your eye evil because I am good?” “So the last shall be first, and the first, last: for many be called, but few chosen”.  yes! Many are called but few are chosen. 

This illustration perfectly fits into the 2015 governorship tussle of Akwa Ibom State. In 2007, the state Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio like the householder invited many persons to work with his administration by way of appointment as commissioners, SSG, Ministers, Chairman of boards, Ambassadors, and other offices both at the state and federal level. 

Some of these people who were appointed since 2007 assumed themselves as being more important than others who latter join the state executive council especially as the 2015 governorship election drew nearer. They are today jealous that the last one who joined the Exco last year has found more favour in the sight of the householder; forgetting that though many are called, very few are chosen perhaps, because their hearts and attentions was set more on the governorship race than their work hence, they are not chosen. 

The fact that Governor Akpabio maintained some of those people he appointed into his cabinet since 2007 till date is not a guarantee that they will succeed him as the next Governor. All of them who aspired to succeed him are now against the Secretary to the State government, Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, who today stands as a shining star and the most favoured by the householder (Governor Akpabio). They have waged war against him and sworn not to see him succeed, but they should not forget that nobody wages war against a God’s chosen leader and succeeds. Aaron and Miriam tried and they were punished by God, Esau tried Jacob and failed, Joseph’s brothers tried and could not succeed, and many others. 

Today many people see the Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Udom Emmanuel as the eleventh hour labourer in the state executive council who should not be given the opportunity to emerge as the next governor, not minding what he has to offer in the development of the State.  Those in this school of thought have failed to understand the concept of leadership in God’s way and how God makes his leaders especially in a state named after Him. God uses simple things to confound the wisdom of those who claim to be wise. This is why the Bible says that the first will be the last and the last, the first.  

Today, some people are saying that Udom Emmanuel has not laboured for others in the past; has not run away with ballot boxes for others and so he should not be supported but, they fail to realize that, it is not always those who labour so much that reap the benefits therefore. Take it or leave it, it is never those with the highest number of supporters or political structures who have the day, but those who are favoured by God and mankind. 

It is now a common phenomenon to hear and read negative stories of different versions about the SSG, Udom Emmanuel, sponsored and manned by haters of good will. Different forms of blackmail have been meted on the SSG in the name of politics just to bring him down and destroy him in the eye of the pubic for their selfish political gains.

A man who has never been found wanting in his entire banking career is today being called names simply because he has decided to tour the political line. A man well respected for his integrity nationally and internationally is today, being treated with no respect. 

The fact that Mr. Udom Emmanuel accepted to excuse his exalted office at Zenith Bank to act as the state’s secretary is a huge sacrifice and demonstration of total humanity and loyalty to one’s father land. Some forces are now trying to reduce him to nothing so that he will not be presentable but, since God is the only one, according to Governor Akpabio who has qualified Udom Emmanuel as his chosen leader for Akwa Ibom state, no external or internal force will deter him. 

It is true that these character assassination and blackmails on the person of Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel is to make him abandon the course of delivering the State from the hands of oppressors but, here is a word of consolation for the SSG in a time like this: “no man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”.  So in spite of all these, the SSG should always stay focused and should not look back in this course which he is passionate about and committed to. 

Why are they labeling a citizen of the state who has paid his dues a stranger? Is Udom Emmanuel not an Akwa Ibomite? If not, where does he come from? Let us remember the story of Moses who did not grow up in Egypt but, that did not stop God from calling him to go and lead the children of Israel. So, as God called Udom Emmanuel who was away from the state to come back and lead the state, no power will stop His will from manifesting in His chosen one.

Godswill Akpabio who stands as a guiding Spirit to Udom knows why he brought him in as the state’s secretary. Having worked with all those who see themselves as on-ground politicians, he knows their abilities and inabilities and has found a perfect fit for his successor.

Let me sound very loud here that Akwa Ibom State stands to benefit immensely from the leadership of Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel especially the Oro people who are the host community of Ibaka deep Sea Port. It is true that Zenith Bank plc is today, the principal financial sponsor of the Sea Port which is capable of generating thousands of employment opportunities to people in the area. 
Investors from reputable financial institutions will be attracted to the area by virtue of Udom’s business connections and transforming will set in. 

Akwa Ibom people should be concerned about what they stand to gain in the leadership of Udom Emmanuel as governor of the State and leave sentiment out of the discussion. The SSG has over the years, prepared himself excellently for the task of developing the state. Educationally, he has undergone various leadership training such as: advanced management programme, advanced leadership management, Negotiation and competitive decision making, strategic thinking and management for competitive advantage risk management, asset and liability management, and others at various universities aboard.  
Mr. Udom was first appointed non-executive director of Zenith Bank United kingdom, Zenith Bank, Gambia; Zenith Bank, Sierra Leone; Zenith Insurance, Zenith Pension and Custodian, Zenith Securities, Zenith Trustees, and Zenith Registrars. He was later appointed director, Nigerian Interbank settlement system (NIBS) from 2009-2011 and non-Executive Director, Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) in 2010, and later, executive director to the board of Zenith Bank plc since 2006. 
For over 17 years, Udom Emmanuel has been actively involved in the Bank’s decision-making process. With such excellent academic prowess and sound financial intelligence, Akwa Ibom State will experience rapid transformation not only politically but corporately and visibly.  
Let it be noted that Udom Emmanuel is not just a member of the Qua Iboe Church but a devout and committed member of the faith.
 It is true that some persons are engaged in politics of bitterness instead of unity and inclusion which should not be the case. For this cause, Udom is coming to change the game and redirect the goal for the promotion of unity and oneness in our dear state. 

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