
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

2014 World Radio Day: A review BY PRISCILLA CHRISTOPHER

The Radio has no doubt been a veritable source of information delivery to man from time immemorial. It unifying educative, informative and entertaining role all together has given it a pride of place in the communication industry with it mechanical ability to cover a vast populace of the federation giving it more credence than other means of communicating. No doubt, the ability of the Radio to create homogeneity of a heterogeneous audience is unbeatable and cannot be compared to other mediums. 

This electronic medium of audio communication reflects human performances and brings messages into the homes and minds of the listeners, creates awareness of what is happening within and outside a given society and presents ideas and bases for future historical records.

The three basic function of the Radio are education, information and entertainment. By staging documentaries, dramas, and quiz shows, the Radio teaches messages where viewers can draw lessons from. For instance, plays on HIV/AIDs, agriculture etc teaches society development and health tips relevant to day-to-day needs. Moreso, education here is made easy by the informal means the Radio devices which is free from the guided syllabus of the formal setting.

The Radio entertains through music and plays. Some Radio stations have humorous morning and evening programs capable of breaking isolation, killing boredom and occupying people during leisure. It aims at providing release from stress and tension and allows for increased socializing. For instance, people can listen to a programme and discuss it amongst themselves.
In the area of information, the Radio presents to the society issues yet to become public, presenting variety of topics on which one can base heightened decisions. Since the basic function of information is to ensure the welfare of an individual, the Radio acts as a Watch dog to the society. It distributes useful notices to the community especially during times of crisis where it restores calm and order because of its ability to bring facts quickly to the listener.

The Radio is a behavioural change agent. Some stations represent and stand for society values, goals and culture. For example, a church Radio station will promote abstinence, forgiveness and good morals in the society because the content it will air will have positive impact on the society.

Radio can also be used for the mobilization of society towards a common goals e.g campaigns like immunizations, election and religious campaigns or an early warning tool in times of disasters to either flee or prevent them.
Radio also provides a platform for the expression of views and opinions. Different people in the society use this unique social space to air their views and this further creates interaction among callers in different areas. 

Radio provides an avenue for advert which provides the society with knowledge of products in the market. It connects the needy in the society with the people or organizations who wish to help them deal with their problems.
Physically, the Radio is structured in portable sizes fitting a user’s taste hence, small Radio users can listen to information without carrying it around or even while performing other chores like cooking and washing. 

Despite the rising competition in the world of communication, the Radio stands tall as one capable of reaching the largest audience with or without electricity. It affordability and durability are features that will continue to give it an edge over other mass media. As the World commemorate Radio Day, there is need to appreciate the above mentioned qualities of the Radio and identify with the daily trends employed to improve on it service delivery.

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