
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

New hour, new hope - Part 11

 New hour, new hope - Part 11

God bless you. Thank God for his unspeakable gift with undeniable proofs, you are the next in the testimony queue. 
We are still on our teaching series on the theme: ‘New Hour, New Hope Part 2’ and we are looking at Factors to be considered for fulfillment/manifestation of new Hope.

Seriousness: The beggar on the way to Jericho Luke 18:35 – 43
Have you ever seen a man that is passionate about change? He will go extra mile to ensure he get it. The scripture reads “Then it happened as he was coming near Jericho that a certain blind man sat by the road begging. And hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by and he cried out saying ‘Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me’ his miracle was an instant as recorded in verse 42 ‘then Jesus said to him Receive your sight: your faith has made you well and immediately he received his sight and followed Christ” this year your seriousness in pursuit of life will make you well.

Begins to be serious and see you hope beginning to come alive. The blind man did not allow his condition to stop him from thinking big up to the level of believing/longing for an instant miracle. Do not allow that condition to stop you from achieving what you suppose to achieve in three month thereby using three years to accomplish it – that’s an error.
This year delivery Angel that is dedicated to deliver to men and women that are very serious in what they hope are spread across the entire universe. It is your seriousness that will propel them to deliver to you what you hope for – therefore if that is the requirement why not be serious than before?
God gave Abraham a son at an old age as was spoken by the Lord Genesis 21:1-3. The same God tested him to see if he truly loves him by requesting for the sacrifice of one and only son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-11). If Abrahams’ faith was not confirmed he wouldn’t have become the father of all nations. Whenever God called at Abraham he answered ‘Here am I” – verse 1 and 11. 
How many of us are ready this year to give it all without holding anything back? I want to say it again that Sacrifice is one of the factors that will propel God to deliver to you the years’ resolution. Abraham our father of faith gives it all with the idea that even if he finally killed Isaac, the Lord that gave him the son will raise him up. That was why his position in the kingdom was confirmed thereby naming him – the father of all nations.

Do Not Fear:  Matthew 6: 27; 8:26
‘I want to let you know that the greatest enemy to success is fear’ therefore if you want all your aspirations this year to become a reality ‘do not fear’ tell yourself I will not fear!. This year anything that will make you fear, disassociates yourself from it. If it is your friend separate yourself from him/her except he/she is ready to join the bus.
You are the next in line to be celebrated in the name of Jesus as you begin to see the manifestation of all your 2014 resolution coming to fulfillment in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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