
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Maximizing your potentials (Part 1)

In Genesis 1:27; the Bible says ‘God created man in his own image and likeness’. We all acknowledge the wonders that he performed in the days of old even in our own days. This is the attribute we should possess at all time. We all are beneficiaries of this grace but to effectively utilize it and make a reality we need to maximize our potentials.
What is potential? According to Advanced Learners’ Dictionary; Potential is simply defined as something that can be developed in the future. In terms of the noun; Potential refers to the possibility of something happening or being developed or used. I will also put it this way that potential simply means the power or quality that exist and is capable of being developed. From the definition of Potential given above, worth noting are quality that exist; developed; happening; power; possibility etc. these phrases mentioned above should be able to give you a comprehensive knowledge of what potential is all about. 

Philippians 4:13 says ‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me’ that is to say there is an existing possibility for us to do whatever we wish to do up to the point of possessing the invisible. It is this knowledge of doing all things through Christ that strengthens that made you a conqueror in the field of life. Success is a function of what you are doing. More often we fail because we have decided not to utilize these potentials embedded in us. How can you succeed in a business when you are not business-wise? 
This year, your aspirations and the prophecy spoken will only become a reality when you begin to engage this idea of ‘I can do all things through Christ’. Your business can only move to the permanent side when you are able to engage this forces “maximizing your potentials for optimum productivity” and the Bible says ‘no army get his/herself entangle with a civilian if he want to succeed in the field’ you can never become a celebrity until these potentials in you is fully maximized.

1.    Wake up from sleep - Romans 13:11
‘Besides this you know the time that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed’
A lot of Christians are still sleeping up till now as am writing this piece. Many renowned Christians failed to inherit their inheritance simply because they eventually resolve to sleep. Now that you are here, I want to state categorically that your 2014 resolutions/aspiration can never become a reality except you wake up from sleep. You may be poised to ask; what does it means to wake up from sleep?’ what it means is that YOU SHOULD DO WHAT OUGHT TO BE DONE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. The wise men in Matthew gospel ensure they came to the banquet hall along with engine oil for their lamp as they were waiting for the Groom to arrive – that is being at alert. The foolish maid did not care to come along with a reserve for their lamp that was why immediately they left for the oil, the groom appears and the ceremony begins. This is the beginning of the year, what you need to do is thorough preparation because that is what enhances result. When they return from
searching for the oil in the midnight behold the groom has already arrived and the door was shut. I decree that this year the door to your destiny shall not be shut against you in the name of Jesus Christ. Receive the grace to stay awake till you receive your miracle in the name of Jesus Christ. 
God bless you; please watch out for the concluding part of this message in the next edition. Remain blessed.

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