
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Making the best of 2014

Our parents taught us to study hard while in school, participate in sports and join various clubs. They taught us that these things would lead to good, steady sand secure jobs throughout life but they were wrong! There is no security left in corporate Nigeria. Gone are the days when we all went to school and got a job with a big company and then got on a fast track to an ever increasing rank and salary. Corporate consolidation, corporate corruption, outsourcing and downsizing has put an end to that era. However, one lesson that still holds significant in our parents advice is that preparation is the key that opens the door to accomplishments.

There are great opportunities in 2014. Making the most of those opportunities require preparation. Success is not dependent so much on access to opportunity as it is on the amount of preparation that has proceeded the opportunity. Preparation can be tedious and uninspiring, yet it pays off in big ways. When you are prepared, you can make the best of the good times and thrive even more in difficult times. How much you prepare for 2014 will determine the value 2014 will add in your life.

Before you start 2014, I want you to know that you deserve success, and that success is achievable. You must believe you can, that you can possess talents and abilities for great achievements. See! Unless you begin with these crucial premises, you efforts will be thwarted.


   1. PUT GOD FIRST; the quality of life is determined by the quality of relationship kept with God. When God is on your side, you are immovable, but when you put God on leave in your life, anything can move you. Put God first in everything you do in 2014 and you will be pushed to the top supernaturally.

  2.  KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IN 2014: Lacking a clear concept of what you want in the year makes it difficult to maximize opportunities. To be successful you have to be extremely focused and goal oriented.

   3.  PLAN, ORGANISE AND PRIORITISE YOUR LIFE: Establish a daily routine or agenda. Everything you have achieved is a result of your laid down plans and organization.  

    4. STAY PERSISTENT: Most people give up just when they about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from the finishing line. Often we accuse God of not answering our prayers.  The way we ask him and the urgency with which we approach him have caused many to faint in their faith. Some of the greatest pains God allows are opportunities for great gain. It takes the hammer of persistence to drive in the nail of success. Persistence ultimately prevails over most daunting challenges.
Never give up on 2014, never quit. People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they refuse to quit while real men succeed because they are persistent in their effort.

VALUE YOUR TIME: Everybody has 24 hours allotted to him per day. The rich become richer because they invest in their time, while the poor get poorer because they waste and spend their time on frivolities. Most failures in life are due to time mismanagement and time abuse. Before you postpone for tomorrow what could have been done today, remember opportunities lost today might not be regained tomorrow. Develop a sense of urgency in all you seek to do. There is no time like tomorrow, it never comes. Today is the best opportunity anyone can ever imagine. Make use of it. Make it count! Make it happen!! Make a difference!!!
AVOID PURPOSELESS COMPANIONS: The cheapest way to miss your flight at the Airport is to be talking with a friend who is not going your route and is not going anywhere at all. Disconnect yourself from any distraction so that you do not end up in frustration in 2014.

 You cannot make your way to a place you are not aware of it existence. You are not just meant for the top in 2014, you are meant for the top-most spot. However, accepting full responsibility is the only way to get there. Therefore, looking for what to blame for what you are is making a fool of yourself in the race of life. Life is not a myth, it is real. A mythical approach to it will make you a miserable citizen of the earth. You must give life a practical approach in order to make the most of it.

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