
Tuesday, 12 November 2013


(Lev 7:2; Psalms 118:17; 116:17; 73:28; 50:14)
"You have been involve in negative sacrifice for some time now but God  want you back that is why this message is coming your way this season. Without this passport you will find it difficult to access the kingdom and everything therein, therefore return today Psalms 51:1-9."

God bless you for finding time to read the concluding part of this goodnews. Today we will look at the second type of the sacrifice

“Negative Sacrifice” we mention in our previous message but before then let see the benefit of positive sacrifice viz; b) Divine protection – Exodus 15:26; c) Remembrance – Genesis 8:1; d)
Justification – Galatians 3:11(exercising faith in whatever you does is a sacrifice).

Another name for negative sacrifice is second hand power. We all are aware that a second hand goods or property can NEVER looks like or posses the feature of a first hand. A lot of us today are looking for second hand blessing which last but only for a moment, my question to you is what will you do when it cease to come?. This is one of the reasons we should be alert and confident in whatever we do.
A negative sacrifice is a sacrifice carried out by an individual or group of persons in believed to leverage a ‘State’ instead of doing that it poses more treat and sorrows to the ‘State’. What are you sacrificing for? Please help me and ask your neighbor – sir/ma why do you sacrifice? Many at time you see people that have deliberately associate themselves in occultism looking for help after committing many atrocities - where have you seen Satan giving out gift without demanding for a reward?

Why do men sacrifice negatively? They do not believe therefore they can not see good Psalms 53:1. At all the time because of the foolishness they are soaked with, their heart is telling them that it is not possible.
They do not commit God into their doing therefore they fail witness a divine touch from God – Proverbs16:3.
They do not follow the right counselor – Proverbs 11:14. Who do you follow and why are you following him? When you follow the wrong person you are like to experience all that he had experienced. 

Whose faith follows? You have to be careful! Many people today now devise a means of getting rich quick by sacrifice and enchantment. Spells will not help you because it is obvious that those blood you shade will come looking for you. Cain and Abel should be a case study for you. What do you think will happen to you the next day you went to visit you ‘Babalawo’ and behold he’s no way to be found. These things will fail but there is a power that is bigger and more energetic than the one you sort for and his name is Jesus Christ. Up till today the generation of Cain is no way to be found because he involve himself in negative sacrifice, God desire a sacrifice but it is not every sacrifice that is accepted by God – make amendment.

You have been involve in negative sacrifice for some time now but God  want you back that is why this message is coming your way this season.

Without this passport you will find it difficult to access the kingdom and everything therein, therefore return today Psalms 51:1-9. After praying this prayer with a sincere heart God will come into your heart and a new name will be given to you because without this fervent prayer you are lost already.

In summary God still loves you no matter where you are and what you have been doing, if only if you will heed to his call this day I assure you, your life will never remain the same again. You know the evil you have been committed before this time do not go back there again ‘cos Jesus\loves you and he want to be your friend. Some women are maltreating little children and one day they will want to conceive and bear children, you are sacrificing. You have house maid but you are treating him/her wrongly- don’t you know you can die now for people to treat your children likewise? Remember you are sacrificing.

May God help us and show us the right path to take in the name of Jesus Christ- Amen

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