
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

What will make APC to loom large BY AKPANDEM

A.P.C. obviously is setting out to destroy the decadent and corrupt apparatus of political control of the ruling party, and to ensure that Nigeria remained a strong and united country and must be committed to eliminating the major divisive social conflicts which has been on the verge of tearing the country apart and should recognize the social and economic divergences prevailing in various part of the nation.

APC should not become the standard antidote to traditional despotisms, modern dictatorships and entrenched oligarchies which have thwarted democracy. They should learn how to fight without causing destruction, to subdue without fatal or permanent injuries, to inflict wounds that heals immediately to maintain lasting peace, achieve rapid economic development, guarantee a dignified future, put a stop-to bloodshed, suffering of the people must be brought to an end, should not keep the country off-balance and work towards the expiration of starvation.

APC should learn a good lesson from the past so as to avoid pitfalls, they should not ignore the past claiming that the present is what matters, and should learn from history to avoid collective and individual disasters or repetition of such disasters.

APC should develop regulating political mechanism through which political tensions are normally resolved. This may be through the formation of a strong body consisting of all shades of opinion or through the mobilization of the strength of traditional political culture, and should involve in the expansion of the political and internal security, trace the inherent problem which may adversely affect the effectiveness of the party, and form a trusted and dependable back bone won overwhelming support secure the confidence and goodwill of the whole nation, because working together in true spirit, will promote the greatness of Nigeria and the welfare of its inhabitants.

One other great good/fortune which is the secret behind the success of APC is the collection of young men of talent into the party, seldom in the history of political parties in contemporary times move with such a constellation of bright young men assembled together in massive support, infact working with this type of galaxy of dedicated men will efficiently promote the party to an epochal height, hence the ruling party will perpetually be terrified. APC should be free from the weakness to which the ruling party falls prey, and there should be appropriate framework of organizational structure within which they should operate.

APC should produce a leader who will make a tremendous impression upon the minds of his countrymen and significantly alter the course of events, a clear evidence of a ruler who understands the feeling of his people and whose mind worked in consent with others, who will demonstrate that age-old saying that a man’s worth and contribution to his fellow men is not measured in terms of longetivity or length or years of rule. The worth of a ruler and the performance of his contributions are a direct function of the sincerity and integrity which he brings into his task and the vigour and conviction with which the task is executed.

 The world has been led to believe that the only tolerable and civilized way of ruling any nation is through democratic government. Democratic government has been defined as government by the people themselves organized through a popularly elected form of representation. A section of the world has come to hold that any form of ruling any community is an aberration and total departure from the norm. APC must join the group of these happy exceptions if we are to have political stability, economic progress, integrated development, social justice, contentment and be the epicenter of Nigerian solidarity. A good actor takes his final bow when the ovation is still at its loudest. No tears will be worth crying over spilt of milk, when considering and adhering to the above outline.

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