
Monday, 14 October 2013

God’s perfect desire (Hebrews 6:13-20)

God’s perfect desire (Hebrews 6:13-20) 

God’s perfect and infallible desire for you and I is to make us number one in anything we do. Like in Priesthood, there are guidelines and principle we must follow if we are to attain the level of grace before us and such is as written in Hebrews 5:1-4. You may say I am not ready to be a Pastor but you have a Pastor in your place and in your local church. Once you fail to see this attribute highlighted, it mean there is something wrong somewhere and there is need for correction.

In Proverbs 13:1a the Bible says “A wise man son heeds his father’s instruction” are you a wise son? Listening to the master’s instruction is another means of staying longer on earth because when you listen to instructions, you will avert dangers and thereby prevent yourself and family from being a victim. Ephesians 6: 1- 3 says ‘Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right, honour your father and your mother that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth’. When you look at that scripture vividly, you will see that there is a conditional statement in it which you are mandated to strictly adhere to. Now that you have heard; what is your next line of action? Will you continue like this? There are some people who are suffering today simply because they ‘ignore the light that brought them to limelight’. Once you do that, it means you are doomed for darkness – an everlasting darkness. The Bible reads and I quote

“that you may live long on earth, children obey your parent in the Lord” there is no sacrifice that is bigger and more gigantic than this. Blood sacrifice is the highest sacrifice that answers question than every other sacrifice but in this context I want you to understand that respecting your parent is one of the criteria for accessing God’s perfect desire for your life. I will come back to sacrifice but I want you to understand that sacrifice is one of the password for accessing the infallible desire from God.

The promise of rest remains at entering the rest, let us fear lest any of us seem to have come short of it (Hebrews 4:1) and the Bible says ‘In a race of life everybody competes for the crown but it is only one person that can be crowned therefore run that ye may be crown’. Have you seen how life is? Many are called but only few are chosen from the crowd and I pray for you that you will be the one chosen in the name of Jesus Christ. 

One of the infallible purposes in Christ is multiplication. Say after me Multiplication! In those days when I was in primary school, my Aunty will say multiplication means (adinam-awak) meaning to make it plenty. God is in a business of adinam-awak in your life no matter what and where you are today. God is not concerned about your level of education once he is ready to implement His action because His action has knows bound. The Bible categorically states that “in Multiplication, I will multiply you that you may know I am God”. Have you ever considered the extent at which illiterates and nonentities are progressing in life? This is because God wants to use them to prove wrong the theories of the wise. 

I will also love to show you ‘Blessing’ as one of the Gods’ perfect desire for us. Who is that man that says you are cursed as a result of what your parent did? As long as you are not following the evil path of your parent, you cannot become a victim to that except you are doing the opposite of what I am telling you. This morning I declare you endorsed for this God’s perfect plan in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!

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