
Monday, 2 September 2013

Excellence of a restored nation – Part One

Jeremiah 33: 1 – 10
I will love to show you three things here viz; Excellence, Restoration and the Nation.
Excellence: Excellence according to Oxford Learners’ Dictionary means ‘the quality of being extremely good’. When we are talking about excellence, we are looking at the quality in human that surpass every other quality and made him to stand firm. I will quickly add that excellence is an art of standing tall among your peer in the society.  When you are excelling, you have liberty and access to every thing you want. This is the little I can say about excellence.

Restored: Before I told you what restoration is from the dictionary perspective, I want to quickly bring to your table what is written in Joel 2: 18 – 26. To Be Restored according to Oxford Learners’ Dictionary simply means ‘to bring back the situation or feeling that existed before’. It pleases me to introduce to you what I call a restorer. In every restored environment behind such an environment there is a restorer, the purpose of the restorer is to take the glory of the restored. When you are restored, you are taken back into the original plan God had for you before the creation.
Nation: Nation according to the Oxford Learners’ Dictionary means a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history who live in a particular geographical area under one government. No nation on the earth succeeds in its affairs under two governments. One government! One nation! Did you understand? This what nation means.

A nation that is successful is a nation with one government; before you can be restored you must come to the knowledge of the truth that everything is possible. Do not be doubtful rather becomes a believer with the understanding that nothing is impossible.

How excellent is a restored nation?
a)    A nation that is restored is one that is brighter in the Lord Isaiah 60:19-20. ‘The Lord said to Isaiah, the sun shall no longer be your light by day nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you, but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light and God your glory’. What interest me here is the light that is made available by Christ our savior. A restored nation is a nation that does not look for the physical light for her survival. Why does he not bother about the physical light? Simple! Because there is an invisible light which has become part of his body and soul?

b)    A restored nation is so excellent in such that God become the refuge and conqueror of their nations Psalm 46: 1 – 3. There are some people that don’t fear whatever circumstance that befalls them because there is indebt knowledge of who God is to them. In the first verse of that scripture, the bible says ‘God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble’ one of the characteristics of the Excellency in a restored nation is there is no space for the people under the umbrella to fear because God is their strength and their refuge.

This season your restoration is coming forth and your glory will be seen by all men in the Name of Jesus Christ. When I read through Joel 2, the Bible says all that the locust and the cancer worm had eaten will be restored. Therefore it doesn’t mean what had happen before and the previous experience you had but what interest me is that your generation shall see the Excellence of God upon your life because you are a nation God has restored in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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